“Learning that Works,” an article featured in the May 14 issue of Time Magazine, honors Arizona’s exemplary career and technical education programs, specifically the East Valley Institute of Technology and Monument Valley High School’s Agribusiness Pathways. These programs are two extraordinary examples of Arizona’s statewide commitment to career and technical education.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal hosted the famous Joe Klein, Time Magazine Correspondent, on his recent two-day visit to Arizona to explore the educational and economic value of a Technical Career Pathway for high school students.

Klein’s conclusion has been enormously supportive of career and technical education and has provided Arizona’s leaders with confirmation that we are following a successful, innovative and productive path. It is clear that the implications for career and technical education investment will yield tremendous economic and educational value.

Klein concludes, “Once stigmatized, technical schooling is what the economy needs.”

State Superintendent Huppenthal is in full agreement with this position. Huppenthal intends to continue to make career and technical education a statewide priority by supporting its expansion and integration into the Arizona Department of Education’s College- and Career-Ready statewide education initiative.

Superintendent Huppenthal congratulates all the extraordinary leaders around the state who have helped achieve this level of excellence. Superintendent Huppenthal looks forward to continuing ADE’s initiatives for “Learning that Works.”

To read the featured Time Magazine article “Learning that Works,” and learn more about Arizona’s career and technical education programs visit www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,2113794,00.html