The Fiesta Bowl has hired former Phoenix Coyotes CEO Mike Nealy as it executive director.

He replaces Robert Shelton, who resigned in January after spending 2 1/2 years trying to rebuild the bowl game in the wake of scandal. Shelton took over after John Junker resigned for taking part in an illegal campaign contribution scheme that ended with an eight-month federal prison sentence for him.

Nealy spent eight years as the Coyotes’ president and CEO, leading the franchise during a difficult four-year stretch without an owner.

He also worked as an executive with the Minnesota Wild for four years prior to joining the Coyotes.

In March, the Fiesta Bowl announced that Andy McCain, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Hensley Beverage Company, had been elected the 2014-15 Chairman of the Board.

McCain joined the Fiesta Bowl organization as a Board member in 2007. As Chairman of the Board, McCain will oversee the Fiesta Bowl organization, which operates the Tostitos® Fiesta Bowl, the Buffalo Wild Wings BowlTM and more than 40 related statewide events.

“It is an honor to be this year’s Chairman of the Fiesta Bowl,” McCain said. “I look forward to continuing the legacy started by our founders more than 40 years ago by hosting great games and events with unmatched hospitality, promoting Arizona and giving back to the community.”