Social media business strategies define the end to end activities required for promoting your brand in social media. From recording live videos to advertising discounts and offers, uploading demo videos, tutorials, unboxing videos, ASA sessions, Social media acts as the biggest influencer for brand promotions and to give your business potential web traffic.
To get a detailed insight, you can check out Webmarketing 123 – Social Media Business Marketing review. It explains clearly the impacts of Social Media in driving traffic to your business. Social Media success is based on how you plan and execute the strategies. Every year just like SEO, the social media strategies too, keep on changing with the ongoing trends.
Following 2019’s trends, the following 5 social media strategies are extremely beneficial for conducting a successful marketing campaign for your brand.
1. Align your Social media goals with business goals
You need to make sure that your business objectives complement the social media objectives to create a S.M.A.R.T goal. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). To achieve this S.M.A.R.T goal, you need to measure a few metrics, like:
• Brand Awareness – measure the awareness created for your brand in social media with the no. of ‘mentions’ to calculate the SSoV for each social platform.
• Business Conversions- track the behavior of users to your website, and calculate clicked links with Google Analytics.
• Customer Experience- Track the response time of users on comment sections and analyze if there’s anything you can improve or you can buy real TikTok followers.
• Improve ROI- Audit your social media channels to get a complete report on the strategies working or failing to improve the ROI.
• Loyal Fan base- Make sure your posts give enough room to the users for their questions, answers, and opinions.
2. Use Chatbots
Integrate chat bots in your website for better user experience. These chat bots are AI powered that automatically pops a Hello to the users visiting your website, answers their queries and even take direct orders. It is more productive if you link your link your brand’s Google and Social media ads to the chat bots. It will automatically redirect the customers to chat or messenger window when clicked on it. This helps you greatly in creating a trusted fan base and boosts your sales.
3. Understand your target audience
Social media platforms are used by different kinds of people every day. So, you will not be having equal responses on all platforms. You need to understand the social demographics of each platform first and then choose the one that is appropriate for your brand. For-ex, if your brand is into stuff for the young group of people, then Instagram will yield you more profitable results than Facebook. While if you are into B2B platform, LinkedIn is the right choice for you to get better leads.
4. Create diverse social content
Your social media posts should have variations so that users don’t get bored. You can spice things up by using mixed contents like Descriptive posts, analytical posts, short quizzes, ASA sessions, live video demonstrations, creative stories, highlights, animated posts or anything that keeps your fan base interested in your brand content and also attracts new followers. Instagram and Facebook provide you the best opportunities for creative content with its too many attractive stickers, texts, emojis, gifs to make things funny and interesting.
5. Go for Cross channel Campaigns
You can do Cross channel campaign by adding links to your other social channels in Bio or description. For example- In your business Instagram bio, you can add links to reach you on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter. You can also create interesting swipe up stories to refer the followers to your contents on other social media. For best results, you can tie-up with any influencer or brand having a loyal fan base to promote your business products and services in various platforms.
Final Words
Social media business strategies are required for all kinds of brands and business to let their services reach potential customers. The above-mentioned 4 are the key strategies for any successful brand marketing campaign in 2019.