For many families, summer is a great time to move. Instead of having to relocate during the middle of the school year, you can wait until your child finishes up the last day of school, move to your new home, have a few weeks to get settled, and then have your child start the next school year in their new school. And, some families even use summer moves as a chance to go on a road trip before settling into their new house!

Whatever your thought process is behind your summer move, here are some tips you’ll want to keep in mind.

Develop a timeline several months in advance

As with any move, you should start planning your move several months in advance. As soon as you know you’re going to be moving, start doing your research on potential moving companies and begin de-cluttering your current house. After all, there is no reason to take that television that no longer works with you!

If you’re staying with your current employer, you’ll also want to inform your employer that you need time off. Don’t wait until the week before the move to tell your boss you need a vacation day. You’ll also want to develop a plan for packing your belongings. Don’t wait until the last minute and try to pack everything at once.

Contact a mover ASAP

Summer is a busy moving season, which means that many movers book up quickly. If you need help moving, contact a mover as soon as you know you’re moving. At a minimum, you want to hire them several weeks in advance.

Make sure to carefully review the company’s website and read over any reviews before settling on a mover. For example, if you visit, you’ll notice that they list what services they offer, what areas they service, and list several customer reviews. Many moving companies will give you a free quote based on where you’re moving and how large your house is. Check out several moving companies before hiring one.

Pack boxes effectively

You might be tempted to just throw your belongings into your laundry hampers the night before your move. However, remember that a sloppy packing job is not only a pain to unpack, but it could also result in your items becoming damaged.

Start packing a month in advance. Pack up items you don’t use very often first and go room by room. Make sure to label boxes clearly with what room that box belongs to; this can help unpacking go more smoothly. And, make sure to label any fragile boxes and pack breakable items carefully. Having the bulk of your items packed in advance will make the night before the move go more smoothly.

Don’t pack heat-sensitive items

Arizona, and many other states, get extremely hot in the summer months. You don’t want to put heat-sensitive items, such as your laptop, into the moving truck. Spending several hours in the bed of a hot moving truck will surely damage heat-sensitive items.

Instead, pack all those items in their own special box, make sure it is labeled, and leave that box inside your house for as long as possible. When it comes time to move, put that box in your vehicle. If the items absolutely have to go in the moving truck, try to pack them as close to the front of the truck as possible so that they can be unpacked first.

Stay cool and hydrated

Finally, when moving in the summer heat, make sure to listen to your body. You’re likely going to be sweating more than usual, which means you’re going to need to stay hydrated. Make sure to sip water throughout the day. If you start feeling dizzy or lightheaded while packing or unpacking, try to find a cool location where you can rest.

Plus, you’re also going to want to remember to wear sunscreen. Even if you’re spending the day moving boxes in and out of the house, you’re still going to be spending a significant amount of time in the sun. Try to take a break every hour or so to rehydrate, cool down, and sip some water.

Final thoughts

A summer move can be very exciting. But like any move, it can also be very exhausting! Especially if you’re relying on a moving company to help you move, you’re going to need to plan your move several months in advance. Before you know it, you’ll be settling in and unpacking your new home.