Arizona State University submitted a proposal to the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) that would have no increase on undergraduate in-state tuition during the 2012-13 academic year.
The proposal did, however, include a 3-percent increase on out-of-state tuition.
The Arizona Board of Regents will vote on the proposal in early April.
The 3-percent increase on out-of-state tuition will apply to both undergraduate and graduate students. The specific amounts for out-of-state undergraduate students will now range from $589 to $654, depending on the student’s program. For in-state graduate students, the proposed case increase is $291 and for out-of-state graduates, that number is $715.
Tuition levels beyond the 2012-13 academic year will heavily depend on the level of investments and other factors. ABOR does, however, have proposed a plan to the legislature that would bring an addition $60 million to the university in state funding over the next five years.
Tuition hearing are scheduled from Wednesday March 28th from 5pm to 7pm at each of ASU’s four campuses: Alumni Lounge in the Memorial Union at the Tempe campus; La Sala C at the West campus; Cooley Ballroom B at the Polytechnic campus; and NHI2-110 at the downtown campus.
Those who are unable to attend the hearings can send their comments, which regents will preview before the April 5-6 ABOR meeting, through fax, email or regular mail at:; 2020 N. Central Ave., Suite 230, Phoenix, AZ 85004; or 602-229-2555.