Computer storage, networking and processing have improved dramatically in recent years, and today’s technology offers far superior options for remote storage and working than were ever possible even just 10 years ago.

Of all the recent advances in server tech, perhaps the most significant has been the mass adoption of cloud processing. When used in conjunction with vastly improved connection speeds (both fixed-line and mobile internet), cloud processing is slowly revolutionizing what companies expect from their IT network.

Cloud storage solutions are available from a huge range of providers, each offering fully scalable solutions that could revolutionize how your company approaches its IT network.

Here are just a few ways the cloud can benefit your business:

Cloud server processing vs remote storage – what is the difference?

While it’s quite common for users to confuse remote storage with cloud services, there is one fundamental difference between the two – namely the processing capabilities offered by the cloud.

In contrast to remote storage (which is essentially just an external hard drive with the capacity to store data), cloud servers are fully functioning remote computers offering processing capabilities as well as server space. This allows cloud servers to run complex software and applications which can augment your employees’ productivity and output.

Cloud servers reduce your network overhead

Cloud computing offers companies of any size the opportunity to take advantage of costly server technology and skilled networking staff at a fraction of the price of investing in the technology and equipment independently. Moreover, as providers of cloud technology charge only for the services used, subscribers can scale their provision up or down depending on requirements leading to huge savings by only paying for what’s needed. Companies also benefit from using the latest technology without the headache of maintenance or upgrading equipment themselves.

Cloud services offer remote-working capabilities

Throughout the recent coronavirus outbreak, remote-working became common as companies attempted to facilitate staff working from home. Cloud servers were essential to this process, allowing employees to work from any geographical location and also enabling collaborative working using specific server software. For example, the new iteration of MS Office (Microsoft Office 365) is designed specifically to empower employees to share files and collaborate remotely on projects.

Also, with the powerful server-side processing capabilities of the cloud, your staff can run complex, power-hungry applications on mobile devices with the computer grunt happening on the server rather than on the device. This massively increases the usefulness of lower-grade mobile devices, making them capable of handling considerably more complex workloads.

Cloud servers are fully scalable

As mentioned, cloud technology is fully scalable, meaning it can grow apace with your company with additional services bolted on as and when required. Providers can typically upgrade packages in a matter of minutes to offer additional space, bandwidth, or processing power for a modest fee.

Using the cloud removes the need for data back-up and security services

The majority of cloud service companies offer back-up and security provisions as standard, removing the worry of data loss from subscribers. Moreover, cloud service companies employ security experts trained in a wide range of security practices (including, for example, aws training and certification) to look after your data and prevent unwanted access. Using this knowledge, security experts can configure your server to offer the ultimate, bulletproof protection.

In summary

Most industry experts agree cloud services are here to stay and will likely represent the future of IT networking and remote-working. Investing in cloud services today will help future-proof your company and considerably improve its internal and external networking capabilities while also offering enhanced security and back-up provisions.