• Michelle Obama blasts Trump in Phoenix - Read Article

    Michelle Obama blasts Trump in Phoenix


    Thousands flocked to downtown Phoenix on Thursday to see First Lady Michelle Obama campaign for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. The Arizona Democratic Party Early Vote Rally took place at the…

  • Clinton leads Trump in Arizona by 5 points - Read Article

    Clinton leads Trump in Arizona by 5 points


    Democrat Hillary Clinton now holds a five-point lead over Republican Donald Trump in the presidential race in Arizona, though more than 20 percent of the state’s likely voters say they…

  • Arizona Small Business Association opposes Prop 205 - Read Article

    Arizona Small Business Association opposes Prop 205


    Small businesses are the life blood of Arizona business, and every day the nearly 500,000 Arizona small businesses struggle to provide goods/services, pay employees, provide benefits and make a profit.…

  • East Valley Partnership opposes marijuana initiative - Read Article

    East Valley Partnership opposes marijuana initiative


    The East Valley Partnership Board of Directors voted to oppose Proposition 205, the ballot initiative to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Based on significant concerns with the impact on…

  • What to do if politics are taking over the office - Read Article

    What to do if politics are taking over the office


    The popular saying “never talk about politics or religion” exists as a rule of etiquette because of the potential conflict those topics can create, says Shawn Oller, office managing shareholder…

  • 2016 Arizona primary results - Read Article

    2016 Arizona primary results


    Last night’s Primary races in Arizona ran much smoother than the state’s Presidential Primary (unless you were tracking the election on the Arizona Secretary of State website, which crashed much through…
