Do you have a loved one that you are worried about? Whether this is a grandparent living alone, an aging parent, or a friend who struggles in their daily life, it is hard to watch somebody that you care about struggle with life, and you will always be worried about them. It is hard to know what to do in this situation as you will want to do all that you can while trying to avoid interfering in their life, but it is important to take action if you are worried so that they can get help and support. Read on to find out what you should do if you have a loved one that you are worried about.
Have an Honest Discussion With Them
The hardest step is to bring up the topic, but it is also an essential step to take. You should speak to them in private and gently bring up your concerns with them and then give them the chance to express themselves. Once you have had this conversation, you can then work together to find the best solution, and it will be easier to communicate about their difficulties again.
Check Up on Them
Following this, you should also check up on them on a regular basis following this conversation. This could be popping round, a phone call, text message, or even teaching them to use social media – this can often help seniors feel more connected. You may also find it useful to have other people in their life check in on them, whether this is a friend or even a neighbor.
Look Out for Clear Signs
There are also a few red flags to look out for when someone is struggling in their life and is in need of support. This will include things like:
• Weight loss
• Frequent bruises
• Wearing the same clothes
• Neglecting personal hygiene
• Forgetfulness
• Strange behavior
• Untidy home
• Empty fridge
Research Independent Living Communities
When there are clear signs that someone is in need of care, independent living communities are usually the best option but can be a hard sell. This is why it is a good idea to do some research beforehand to find the best facilities that can help individuals get the care and support they need while still retaining some independence. Additionally, there are options such as communities for those with Alzheimer’s or other dementia-related impairments or places for long-term care if they have been in an accident or have a medical condition requiring 24-hour care.
Spend Time With Them
When somebody you love is struggling in life and requires care, sometimes it can become a chore and change the relationship. You will not want this to happen, which is why you still need to spend time with them, do things together and enjoy their company.
Seeing someone that you love start to struggle with life and their independence is tough. It is a sensitive area, but it is important that you take action to help them get the support they need and start leading a better life.