SRP is sponsoring a free Electric Safety Workshop to educate workers on the potential hazards of working near overhead and underground electrical power lines and other utilities. The workshop will focus on tree workers, landscapers and excavators as well as individuals who work around utility lines.

Instruction will be in English and Spanish.

The event will include safety presentations on overhead and underground electrical, gas and other utilities, OSHA regulations, Blue Stake procedures, trenching and shoring demonstrations, and live electrical demonstrations of what can happen when contact is made with power lines. The event will also feature presentations by the Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health, Southwest Gas, Cox Communications, Arizona Blue Stake, Arizona Burn Center, Trench Shore Rentals, Asplundh Tree Expert Company and Liberty Wildlife. There will also be safety presentations including a live tree rescue and hazards involving chain saws and aerial lifts.

Participants must be 18 years or older. The workshop includes lunch and a chance to win raffle prizes. Tree workers can receive 4.5 CEUs (A/U/T/M) from the International Society of Arboriculture.

When: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, February 22. Registration begins at 6 a.m.
Registration and RSVP deadline is February 14.

Where: SRP’s PERA Club, 1 East Continental Drive in Tempe.

Why: Every year, professional tree trimmers, landscapers and excavators are killed or seriously injured in electrical contact tree-trimming and excavation accidents.  Workers also operate dangerous equipment and are vulnerable to serious injuries when working near overhead and underground electric lines and other utilities.

For more information or to register, call (602) 236-2995 or email