In this space, we profile Arizona business leaders who epitomize “profiles in success” and from whom other leaders can learn. Today, meet Nicole Goodwin, co-managing shareholder for Greenberg Traurig.

LEARN MORE: Most Influential Women: Nicole M. Goodwin, Greenberg Traurig

Nicole M. Goodwin

Co-managing shareholder for Greenberg Traurig

Background: Athena finalist, 40 under 40 honoree, and named one of The Most Influential Women in Arizona Business by Az Business magazine, Nicole Goodwin is a savvy business litigator. She has represented public and private corporate clients in state and federal trial and appeals courts, as well as before administrative tribunals and arbitration venues. Goodwin is a counselor and advisor on exposure and litigation alternatives for clients that range from Arizona-based businesses to large national clients. Deeply involved in the Phoenix community, Goodwin served for ten years as an adjunct professor at Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University teaching a class she created called “Persuasive Speech” which brings principles of the theatre into legal advocacy..

Source of pride: “Securing humanitarian parole for a South Sudanese teen who faced persecution and tribal warfare.  He is now safely living with family in Arizona.”

Professional advice: “Raise your hand for opportunities and stretch beyond the comfortable.”

Spirit animal: “I actually have my spirit animal in a barn at my house.  Luna is a persnickety Connemara pony who 100% gets me.’”