Saving money and becoming more efficient is every company’s goal — important to its survival, especially in the current economic scope. Binary Office has been helping its customers achieve those goals since 2000.
Binary Office provides automated software to its customers in addition to the technological set up and transition to eliminate the lengthy manual tasks of data entry, invoice payment or searching for a file through mounds of paper work. It has helped businesses, government agencies, legal firms and a health care clinic save hundreds of thousands of dollars.
John Bergquist, vice president of sales & marketing of Binary Office, looks for three things when applying the Binary Office services to a company. One, does the office have a lot of paper files that can be scanned for storage or retrieval? Two, is there a need to route paper around the office to get a task done that can be scanned and electronically routed and approved? Lastly, is a lot of data entered manually by workers that can instead be scanned using the automated input software?
Binary Office Saves Time And Money
Bergquist has incredible accounts of what Binary Office has achieved since its establishment.
“[When using] the automated capture software, we typically see a labor savings of 80 percent,” Bergquist says. “If somebody has 10 data entry clerks keying in data manually from invoices, it’s a very labor intensive process and is just a pure expense with no revenue generation. We could reduce that to two or three data entry clerks, and most times our customers don’t wish to reduce staff but handle planned growth without adding additional staff.”
One of the first contracts for Binary Office was automating the credit applications for one of the major banks, and aside from the the manual entry and labor savings was the savings from the exorbitant overnight costs.
“The bank was overnighting the applications from the field to the home office on a regular basis,” Bergquist says. “The savings alone when not having to overnight the paper applications was about, if I remember right, $80,000 a month.”
But the savings doesn’t always have to be purely financial; Binary Office also participated in automating all the individual income tax form processing out of the state of North Dakota. Tax season is time crunched as is, so any way to cut corners on time is desperately needed.
“In their case, they had to hire an army of part-time workers; [Binary Office] eliminated the need to hire so many part-timers and, at the same time, cut the time in the back log of tax return processing,” Bergquist says. “The average time was 10 to 12 days; we cut that down to two hours in terms of processing time.”
Binary Office has undertaken new projects and is excited about utilizing new software to save companies more money and time.
The current excitement for Bergquist is the application of EMC’s “Kazeon” eDiscovery software for legal customers. It can cost a law firm or a company’s legal department approximately $1.5 million for every case to take the time to find the files pertinent to a matter and send out all the paper documents and files to an outside service to perform the legal review process, Bergquist says. Bringing eDiscovery software in-house to automate parts of the legal review process can wipe these recurring costs away.
It can be difficult to find copies of files even if they are stored electronically. The problem is that the files can be stored in different places and multiple times, such as in emails, personal desktop computers and laptop computers.
“There is no search engine either in IT or a legal office that lets you search all these different repositories, but eDiscovery has the Google-type search interface to look across all areas no matter where it’s stored, whether it is in an email, in a Microsoft exchange server or Microsoft SharePoint, as well as desktop computers and laptops,” Bergquist says. “In the case of eDiscovery software, the cost of the software can range anywhere from $150,000 to $400,000, which is 30 percent of the cost of sending it all out and having it done.”
Binary Office is unique in the service it provides, in addition to the software product it sells.
Mollen Immunization Clinic administers flu shots every season and the numbers for this fall season are expected to double. For every flu shot administered, a number of forms must be filled out by the recipient, including a consent form and an insurance form. The insurance forms need to be processed in a short amount of time if the insurance is to be involved in the payment process.
“Binary Office stepped in, took over the project and became the internal IT resource both working on-site and off-site,” Bergqist says. “During the months of August and September, we had only a two-month period where we had to get all the changes ready, changes to the forms, changes to the process and ramp up the system to accommodate the influx of forms.”
These success stories are Bergquist’s favorite part of working for Binary Office.
“My favorite aspect is to look at a company’s manual processes and the high cost that they are struggling with and the slow nature of those manual processes, and being able to virtually eliminate the slowness and the cost in one fell swoop by simply using our software,” Bergquist says.
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