A/B testing is a pivotal element of conversion rate optimization. Today we are going to discuss how this is used by marketers to attain better campaign ROI by increasing their landing page conversion rates. The entire A/B testing process undertaken by digital marketers varies according to their selected marketing medium. Thus, the A/B test for comparing how the product descriptions of your eCommerce store are performing will be considerably different from an A/B test for the design of your landing page.

Nonetheless, firstly the various areas for improvement are identified followed by creating a hypothesis wherein a new variant is proposed alongside the reasoning behind why it shall produce better results. In the next step, a separate variant of the specific element you want to test is produced for use in your content experiment. Finally, a content experiment shall be run and the result shall be both analyzed and measured in depth. However, the success rate of the analysis depends fully on your experiment’s sample size. To elaborate on the matter, we will take a look at the different use cases for an a/b testing tool in the sphere of digital marketing.

Email marketing – In this case, A/B testing is employed by digital marketers by creating two subtly different variants of the same email. These are sent to different recipient groups and the results are monitored to determine which variant yields the best results.

eCommerce websites – Often A/B testing is implemented by eCommerce websites to increase the conversion rate at every point of the customer journey. Various elements like product recommendations, descriptions, landing page design, and even the checkout process can be modified to determine the variants that trigger maximum customer conversions.

Design of landing page – This is a crucial area where digital marketers apply the principles of A/B testing. They bank on various software tools to alter specific elements of their landing page including button placement and color, the call-to-action text, ad copy, lead form design, and other on-page elements. The design of the landing page is tested mostly for pay-per-click advertising campaigns.

Optimizing the text advertisement – Textual advertisements appearing at the top of any search engine results is another area where A/B testing is applied in a paid search campaign. The advertisers can carry out experiments using different descriptions, headlines, URL options, and headlines to understand which version generates the highest click-through rates.

Optimizing the display advertisement – Display ads contain different elements like a company logo, images, a call-to-action, and some advertising copy. The advertisers can carry out trial and error experiments with ad variations like altering the background color, changing the placement of these elements, or a CTA’s button color to determine which combination generates the best response from the web traffic.


A/B testing allows digital marketers to create two variations of a web page or landing page and run a content experiment to determine which one yields the best results against set marketing objectives. You can avail of web solutions like Kameleoon to increase revenue by optimizing conversions without spending unnecessarily on driving traffic toward your landing pages.