The average life expectancy in the U.S. hasn’t changed much over the past three years. In 2017, the average person lived 78.81 years. That’s only a fraction less than the 2021 average life expectancy of 78.99 years.

The good news is that, with innovative health care and improved lifestyles, life expectancy is only projected to go up. Of course, you can up your chances of living longer right now by curating a healthier body and mind.

How do you do that? Today, we’re going to tell you with this guide to the top 7 ways to keep your brain and body in excellent shape.

Sound too good to be true? The tips we’re about to share are going to change your life, so you better keep reading to see the truth for yourself.

1. Get Plenty of Rest

Sleep is one of the best secrets to extending your lifespan. People who sleep less than six hours per night consistently are shown to have significantly fewer years to live.

Experts recommend that adults get 7–9 hours of sleep each night. But keep in mind that the quality of your sleep is just as important as getting enough sleep.

If you have trouble sleeping, you may need to see your doctor and find out if it’s related to your health. In some cases, though, all you need is the right tools to sleep better. You can find everything you need to get a better night’s rest and live a longer life at

2. Eat a Nutrient-Dense Diet

Aging studies show that a diet low in calories can help prevent aging. Yet, how many calories you eat is probably less important than how nutrient-dense your diet is.

Nutrient-dense diets are rich in fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Along with slow-digesting carbohydrates, these foods offer all the vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients your body needs to function.

When you get all your nutrients from your diet, you don’t have to worry about taking supplements. Plus, you can safely reduce caloric intake to combat aging while still getting all the nutrients you need to thrive.

3. Keep Stress Levels Low

Did you know that heavy stress can reduce your lifespan by 3 or more years? A 2020 study looked at the biggest risk factors for a shortened lifespan. Stress was one of the top factors that consistently correlated with earlier mortality.

Interestingly, it’s not just how much stress you experience that determines lifespan. How you view stress can make it more or less detrimental.

For example, in the same study, people who reported feeling the same amount of stress as other people tended to live longer. And this was true regardless of how much stress these people actually experienced.

4. Exercise Consistently

The 2020 study we mentioned above didn’t just look at the relationship between stress and lifespan. The researchers also evaluated additional markers of health, including exercise. They found that lack of exercise reduces lifespan by 2.4 years.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults get 150–300 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75–150 minutes of high-intensity activity each week, plus at least two sessions of resistance training.

Keep in mind that exercise doesn’t have to be a chore. Walking, cycling, and playing your favorite sport all count as physical activity.

5. Find Your Life’s Meaning

You may be surprised to learn that having a purpose in life can help you live longer. But it’s true. Research consistently finds that people who go to church or volunteer consistently live longer than people who don’t.

Having meaning in life not only encourages you to be a part of a positive social group, but it can also help you cope with negative life events. Learning to cope better can reduce stress and even improve mental health.

All of the above factors are known to extend a person’s lifespan. Perhaps these combined reasons explain why people of faith and those who participate in things greater than themselves enjoy extended lifespans.

6. Maintain a Social Life

Humans are social animals. And, according to multiple different research studies, people who surround themselves with friends and family live longer.

But the opposite is also true. In fact, one review found that people who live in isolation are 50% more likely to die prematurely.

Experts aren’t sure exactly why social connectivity and lifespan are connected. But one researcher suggests that it has to do with stress.

Spending time with others can reduce your stress levels. And this, in turn, can help strengthen your immune system and improve your lifestyle choices (e.g., your diet and exercise habits).

7. Practice Moderation

From how much TV you watch and the amount of sun you get to your alcohol and tobacco use, learning moderation is key.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your favorite TV show or suntanning. But when you watch too much TV or spend too much time outdoors without sunscreen, you risk shortening your lifespan.

At the same time, heavy smokers and drinkers are also more likely to live a shorter life. Partaking in moderate drinking and only bringing out the cigars for special occasions can go a long way in keeping you healthy for years to come.

Use These Tips for a Healthier Body and Mind in 2021

Lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, sleep habits, and stress aren’t the only factors that impact your lifespan. Finding meaning in life, staying social, and remembering to practice moderation is vital for a healthier body and long life.

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