Are you considering whether to take your kids out of school for a family vacation?
If so, you aren’t alone! Australians spend an average of $34 billion each year on vacations.
While it may be best to wait until your child’s summer or winter break to take a vacation, there may be an opportunity to take a trip of a lifetime during the school year!
Read on to learn more about safely taking kids out of school for vacation!
Plan Ahead
Pulling your child out of school mid-year for a vacation works best if you plan for it well in advance.
Planning a trip long before you take it serves to benefit both you and your child. When you book flights and hotel reservations early, you may be able to pay lower prices.
For example, if you’ve received a great offer to explore the South Pacific with our cruises from Sydney, you may not want to pass up taking that memorable trip with your family.
Beyond taking a great family trip at a lower price, by planning early, you can speak to your child and their teachers about your plan. This will give everyone a chance to be prepared for your kid’s absence from school.
Communicate With Teachers
Communicating well with your child’s teachers is important, whether you are planning a trip, discussing his or her performance, and more.
Talking to your child’s teacher about your trip is an excellent way to give them advanced notice that he or she will be absent from their class for a while.
Besides being a wise practice to have a good line of communication between you and your child’s teacher, telling them about your child’s absence will help their teacher lesson plan more effectively.
Be Sure School Work Is Completed
You must send a message to your child at a young age about the importance of doing well in school.
While taking a vacation during the school year is a fun activity, be sure that your child completes all necessary school work before you leave town.
This serves a valuable lesson about balancing their schoolwork with fun activities. It will also prevent your child from falling behind in school while they are absent.
Gauge Your Child’s Performance
You should avoid taking your child out of school for a trip if he or she isn’t doing well in school.
Taking a trip is a reward for your child and the rest of your family. If your child isn’t doing well in school or is not completing their work on time, you send a mixed message to them if you reward them with a trip away from school.
Be sure to maintain a healthy balance between work and play so that you are doing the best thing for your child’s future.
Wrapping Up: Taking Kids out of School for Vacation
Taking kids out of school for vacation is a fun activity, and one that is worth it when you do it the right way.
The best way to avoid any issues with traveling during the school year is to plan well in advance and to be open and honest with your child and their teacher.
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