As the football season approaches, the Arizona Department of Gaming (ADG) wants to offer some tips to help you have fun and still follow Arizona law. While sports betting remains illegal in the state of Arizona, participating in a fantasy sports league or a football grid pool can be legal, as long as you follow the state’s social gambling laws. It might be difficult, especially for those who just moved to Arizona and have an online sports betting website they frequently visit, but you won’t be in trouble if you keep these laws to mind.
“While many Arizonans eagerly wait for the football season to start, please make sure that you follow Arizona law if you are participating in a fantasy sports league or grid pool this year,” said Ted Vogt, ADG Director. “By following the simple social gambling rules in the state, you can still enjoy these types of friendly wagers legally.”
ADG urges fantasy league hosts and grid pool administrators to keep these guidelines on standby to ensure legal wagers:
• Arizona Law [A.R.S. 13-3301(7)] specifies social gambling is not to be conducted as a business, which means the host(s) cannot receive financial benefit outside participating in the game.
• Social gambling statutes require all pool money to be paid to the winner(s), and that only participants can win.
If you are unsure of the legality of your fantasy league, there are a few things to lookout for that indicate illegal gambling:
• The league or pool requires a fee to participate (“suggested” or “voluntary” donations, rental fees, etc.),
• The host keeps a percentage of the pool for administering the game, and
• Requires a minimum purchase to participate (food or beverage, etc.).
Additionally, all daily fantasy sports betting is prohibited in Arizona. Learn more by viewing ADG’s Gambling Tips to Remember:
ADG takes complaints about illegal gambling seriously. If you have a tip concerning suspected illegal gambling, contact (602) 771-4263.