By now, you probably have heard about human growth hormone — or HGH — being discussed either on the internet or even in the health news and might be wondering what exactly HGH is. If that is you, you are in the right place! In this article, we will be answering some of the frequently asked questions about HGH in an attempt to clear any doubts that you might be having about the same.

1.    What is HGH?

HGH is a growth hormone that is produced by the pituitary glands, and its production decreases as we age. As a result, most people who are around the age of 30 seek HGH therapy with the main aim of increasing their HGH levels in the body in order to remain young and vibrant.

2.    How can I boost the levels of HGH in the body?

There are various ways you can boost the levels of HGH in the body, namely HGH injections, HGH releasing peptides, and even natural ways. Some of the natural ways include exercising, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, a healthy diet, and intermittent fasting. HGH injections, on the other hand, is whereby the growth hormones are directly administered into the body and gets absorbed into the bloodstream directly. Lastly, peptide injections stimulate the pituitary glands to produce the growth hormone naturally.

3.     How can I find the right HGH therapist?

Finding an HGH therapist might prove to be challenging, especially now that there are quite a number of them who offer similar services. However, if you want to find the best therapist, you will need to do your research by considering factors such as credibility, licensing, professionalism, and experience to mention a few. Additionally, you can also gather referrals and read reviews on the before choosing an HGH therapist.

  4.    How do I know the right HGH dosage I should take?

When it comes to the HGH therapy treatments, it is best to first consult your doctor in order to know the exact dosage you should be taking on a daily. Remember, our bodies are different, and self-medicating yourself might lead to either an overdose or an under dose; both of which are harmful.

5.    What are the benefits of HGH?

Some of the benefits of HGH therapy include improved oxygen flow, metabolic stimulation to burn fat, promotion of hair, skin and nail health, reduced risks of diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, increased bone density,  improved mental health, improved blood flow, improved focus and concentration, enhanced orgasms and endurance, improved erectile function in men and the list goes on.

6.    Which is the most effective type of HGH therapy?

All the HGH therapist are quite efficient and have worked for other people. However, it is important to note that what worked for another person might not necessarily work for you, more reason it is recommended first to consult your doctor who will advise on the most efficient type of HGH therapy for you.

7.    What are the different types of HGH injections?

Some of the most popular injector options for adult HGH therapy include Single-use, prefilled, disposable syringes, human growth hormone pens that use interchangeable cartridges, HGH injector pen systems that are all-in-one units that come prefilled with HGH and Standard vials of lyophilized HGH powder.

8. Does low HGH affect the production of testosterone?

Yes. Men who suffer from diseases such as erectile dysfunction often have low levels of HGH in the body, which means that their level of testosterone is low as well. Remember, stimulates the production of testosterone in the body and helps to restore your libido

9.    What are the signs of low HGH levels?

Some of the signs of low HGH levels in the body is aging, lean muscle, joint pains, fatigue, difficulty in concentrating, increased cardiovascular risk factors, decreased bone density, low energy levels, and erectile dysfunction in men to mention a few.

10.    Does HGH therapy have side effects?

Like all other treatments, side effects are bound to occur during or after treatment. However, there are ways you can reduce the side effects, and one way is to first consult your doctor before commencing the HGH therapy.