With its important role of helping to maintain bone density, fat distribution, muscle strength and mass, red blood cell production and sex drive, it’s no secret that testosterone in men is a vital hormone. In that, the overwhelming realization of this hormone decreasing with age — about one percent every year after 30 — causes many to look for alternatives to finding the key to male vitality.

With the hunt of finding the key to male vitality, there are certain things one can do to take preventative steps to help slow down this decreasing hormone.

With advice from local urologist Dr. Al Borhan, the key to male vitality can be answered with one short simple rule: “All the things that mother told you to do best, are the things that help with your testosterone.”

Natural vs. Unnatural Methods

While some choose the route of artificial hormones and supplements — including those who have significantly lower levels of testosterone — others should consider taking preventative steps at an earlier age to help reduce the need of artificial supplements later in life.

Why? After prolonged consumption of artificial hormones, you’ve decided to stop taking them, the body faces the possibility of no longer being able to naturally produce the necessary hormones. “As nothing you take in life is free, everything you do to the body has its own side effects,” adds Dr. Borhan.

For those choosing the natural route, Dr. Borhan stands firm with his “mother knows best” key to success, suggesting five things to keep in mind:

1. Get a good night’s rest.
2. Practice good nutrition with foods that naturally include testosterone hormone builders such as fish, peanuts and olive oil.
3. Practice healthy dieting, banning the yo-yo type diets.
4. Monitor alcohol use to no more than two to three drinks daily.
5. Get up and exercise, particularly the larger muscles that increase testosterone and decrease fat content.

Taking Dr. Borhan’s advice, the importance of practicing preventative steps at an early age can prove to have positive long-term effects. All things considered, we must also keep in mind the changing elements of our surroundings — no regarding climate, but more so technology and its effects on one’s body.

The Effects of Wi-Fi

With many of us glued to some form of electrical device such as a cell phone, laptop, desktop or tablet, it is important to realize that such advances in technology can perhaps play a role in altering our hormone production.

In a study done by researchers from Argentina and the U.S., Wi-Fi connections were tested to examine the possible harmful attributes to the male’s reproductive organs. With two cups of semen placed under two laptops, one with an Ethernet connection and the other with a Wi-Fi connection, research showed that the sperm placed under the Wi-Fi connection experienced mobility issues and some DNA damage.

In response to the study,Dr. Borhan says the study is still premature. Although differences between the two sperms were noticed, the results should not send us all into a wide-struck panic but rather to proceed with caution.

“More importantly, the investigation should be focused more on what is happening inside the body,” Dr. Borhan says.

As for the idea that the heat output of laptops can potentially hurt the quality of one’s sperm due to scrotal hyperthermia, Dr. Bornham says to keep the laptop off your lap. Heat decreases sperms function, so allowing anything like a hot laptop or even a heating pad near the males reproductive organs can cause unnatural changes to the body.

Dr. Borhan’s last bit advice? “Consume everything in moderation.”

For more tips on increasing male vitality, visit mayoclinic.com.