Lia Juriansz


Authors Posts

  • Phoenix advocates fight to end homelessness - Read Article

    Phoenix advocates fight to end homelessness


    It is a typical Wednesday night for André House of Hospitality, a local organization that provides services like dinner, showers, laundry and transitional housing for the homeless. Individuals suffering from…

  • Does the military need a mental health talk? - Read Article

    Does the military need a mental health talk?


    In Arizona, the veteran suicide rate is triple the civilian suicide rate. Is there a solution? John Ruocco was a father of two boys. A husband. A decorated Marine helicopter…

  • How should Arizona schools approach childhood trauma? - Read Article

    How should Arizona schools approach childhood trauma?


    Phoenix Children’s Hospital defines Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) as the childhood traumas that can cause toxic stress and damage a child’s brain and overall health. These ACEs include but are…
