Work-Life Programs, Balancing Work And Family
I spent several hours this week reviewing nomination forms for the Top Workplaces for Women in the Valley. It was refreshing to read that numerous Valley employers offer work-life programs…

Marcia G. Rhodes serves as spokeswoman and PR manager for WorldatWork. She is a columnist for human resources and talent management topics. Previously, Rhodes was a Senior Marketing Manager for Accenture. Rhodes has been quoted in Baltimore Sun, Chicago Sun-Times, San Jose Mercury News, The Houston Chronicle, The Arizona Republic, Career Journal, Phoenix Business Journal, to name a few.
I spent several hours this week reviewing nomination forms for the Top Workplaces for Women in the Valley. It was refreshing to read that numerous Valley employers offer work-life programs…
WorldatWork’s 2011-2010 Salary Budget Survey – For the first time since 1980 the U.S. rate of inflation is higher than the average salary budget increase. During the 12-month period ending…
In a word, yes! When it comes to work and family, men and women are more alike than different, according to a new research study of employees around the world.…
Despite it being a buyers’ market, employers say they are willing to pay sign-on bonuses to attract the right talent. A new WorldatWork study found that, despite budget cuts, a…
I have fond memories of Japan. I have visited the country four times, spent one memorable night sleeping on the floor of a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, and several months…
Employers are more flexible than we sometimes give them credit. A new WorldatWork study, Survey on Workplace Flexibility, revealed that there are 12 types of flexibility programs in use in…
A good fit between employer and employee ups the chances that the employee will find his or her job fulfilling and be more productive. This was confirmed by a study…
It’s that time of year for annual performance reviews, a necessary evil to managers and employees alike. But, it’s not all that bad if done correctly and thoughtfully. The following…
Just 11 percent of employers award cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to employees, preferring to award promotional and merit increases, according to a WorldatWork study on compensation practices. COLA refers to an across-the-board…
With all the cost cutting employers have had to do during the recent recession to stay afloat, it’s comforting to know that a key employee benefit near and dear to…
Look in the mirror and ask yourself: What kind of boss are you? Do you resemble Cruella De Vil from “101 Dalmatians” – a heartless, puppy-snatcher who orders her hapless…
I’d like the pie heated and I don’t want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I’d like strawberry instead of vanilla, if you have…