Victoria Fortnum


Victoria Fortnum is a recent graduate from Arizona State University. I moved from Chicago to study communications at the Hugh Downs School of Communications and Media Analysis through the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. I have a knack for social media and am passionate about fitness and healthy lifestyles. As a marketing director, my role at Entourage Marketing is to assist in various promotional projects. I am an optimist and a strong believer in, “If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.”

Authors Posts

  • Twitter Political Campaign: Promoted Tweets And TwoSides - Read Article

    Twitter Political Campaign: Promoted Tweets And TwoSides


    Twitter Political Campaign: Promoted Tweets And TwoSides By Victoria Fortnum and Alexandra Huskey Twitter & Political Campaigns Twitter recently announced they were going to begin selling sponsored ads to candidates…
