2025 Most Admired Companies (MAC) in Arizona Awards

Nominations are open until June 7, 2025 at 11:59 pm

2025 Arizona’s Most Admired Companies (MAC)

Do you know of an Arizona business that prioritizes exceptional leadership, a positive workplace culture, social responsibility, customer satisfaction and innovation? If so, nominate an outstanding company for Arizona’s Most Admired Companies (MAC) award. Nominations will be open on February 19, 2025!

Recognition and Celebration

MAC finalists enjoy widespread recognition and will be showcased in the September/October 2025 issue of Az Business magazine.

Finalists celebrated and winners announced at a special awards dinner:

  • 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm
  • Thursday, October 9, 2025
  • Chateau Luxe (1175 E. Lone Cactus Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85024). View Google Maps.
  • 2025 Most Admired Companies Nominations

    "*" indicates required fields

    Company Information

    In 200 words or less please give an overview of the company which you're nominating (i.e. mission, vision, values, etc.). Briefly describe how this company has made an impact on the economy in the lives of its employees and within the community.

    Title of Company Leader (CEO, President, etc.)

    If the company is selected for a spotlight award, check the top three categories that best showcase the company's strengths:

    Nomination Form Must Be Completed In Its Entirety - Continue Below

    Leadership Excellence:

    Workplace Culture (including DEI):

    Corporate and Social Responsibility:

    Customer Opinion:


    Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Please upload 1-5 photos that best reflect the company.
    • Multiple photos should be uploaded as a .zip file, clearly marked with the Company Name and MAC Awards 2021.
    • Preferred formats: .jpg files for the photos (minimum 1500 pixels wide)
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
  • Nomination Form

    "*" indicates required fields

    Company Information

    In 200 words or less please give an overview of the company which you're nominating (i.e. mission, vision, values, etc.). Briefly describe how this company has made an impact on the economy in the lives of its employees and within the community.

    Title of Company Leader (CEO, President, etc.)

    If the company is selected for a spotlight award, check the top three categories that best showcase the company's strengths:

    Nomination Form Must Be Completed In Its Entirety - Continue Below

    Leadership Excellence:

    Workplace Culture (including DEI):

    Corporate and Social Responsibility:

    Customer Opinion:


    Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Please upload 1-5 photos that best reflect the company.
    • Multiple photos should be uploaded as a .zip file, clearly marked with the Company Name and MAC Awards 2021.
    • Preferred formats: .jpg files for the photos (minimum 1500 pixels wide)
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Presenting Partners

Production Sponsor

Floral Provider

Past 2025 Most Admired Companies (MAC) in Arizona Awards Events