Modern portable vaporizers seem to quench the desire of many vapor enthusiasts. This is due to the fact that users can enjoy the appetizing vapor anytime, anywhere. But older portable vaporizers could not deliver vapor in an efficient way. This is because they were way too big and were constructed with poor-quality materials. And for that reason, these devices seemed not to have a good reputation. However, things have changed and modern vaporizers are being made using high quality materials to last for long. So, if you are a fan vaping, these are some of the top benefits you are likely to accrue if you opt for portable vaporizers.

1. Easy to Carry Around

As the name suggests, these vaporizers are portable. This means you can move with them wherever you want to go. And as such, you are able to smoke anytime you feel like since you have the gadget with you. The gadget is quite small and can perfectly fit in your pocket or purse. This is different from a desktop vaporizer since you can only enjoy the flavor while you are at home.

2. Not Harmful to Your Health

Another advantage of portable vaporizers is that they are not health hazardous. Bear in mind that cigarette smoking is incredibly unhealthy as it leads to inhalation of carcinogens and other toxins. And over time, this may lead to serious lung complications or even cardiovascular diseases. But with a vaporizer, the tobacco is super heated instead of burning until it produces vapor. So, the smoke coming out of the vaporizer is free from toxins and other cancer-causing substances.

3, Helps Minimize Fire Outbreaks

Apart from causing health problems, cigarettes can lead to fire accidents if not handled properly. Countless homes have been reported having been burnt by the cigarette filters. But with a vaporizer, there is no open flame that can cause fire. The device uses a battery to heat up the tobacco. Also, all portable vaporizers have built-in sensors to sense whenever tobacco has been heated up so that the system can turn itself off automatically.

4. You Can Smoke from Anywhere without Any Restrictions

These portable vaporizers offer a lot of convenience. Remember there are federal laws governing smoking, and thus people should not smoke anyhow. In public places, there are smoking zones that have been set aside for serial smokers. This applies when smoking the traditional cigarette. With modern portable vaporizers, you can smoke from anywhere. Since no flame or tar being produced, you can enjoy your flavor even in public places.

5. Access to Customer Service

Most of these devices come with warranties. If it malfunctions, you have the right to contact your seller for replacement. If it is a minor issue, you can contact the manufacturer directly for advice. Always consider buying from a legitimate portable vaporizer dealer. Ask if they honor their warranty before placing your order. Also, reading reviews from previous clients can help gauge the quality of their customer care.


Every vapor enthusiast has a unique vaping pattern. For those who prefer long sessions can opt for desktop vaporizers. But for addicts who cannot stay for more than an hour without vaping, portable vaporizers are their choice. It is always advisable to take your time when shopping around for these devices. Keep in mind that there are unscrupulous dealers out there selling counterfeited products. So, you need to do a bit of research to ensure the dealer you are ordering from is legit. Always go for online dealers that are registered and licensed to ship to your location.