Want to improve morale around the office? Not sure how to do it? Check out these 4 tips for keeping employees happy in the workplace!
According to Glassdoor, at least 22 percent of employee satisfaction can be attributed to the values of the company.
Keeping employees happy is important and the values that you uphold play a large role in how appreciated employees feel. You need to create a positive culture in your organization in order to keep employees happy.
Here are some tips you can use to ensure that you consistently create a positive work environment for your staff.
1. Keeping Employees Happy by Recognizing Progress
When employees make progress you should always try to recognize it. Often employees, especially new ones may struggle with what they are doing.
Once they get over these hurdles you should let them know that you see their progress. Sometimes all it takes is saying “good job” or “thank you” to make someone feel appreciated.
2. Get Interested in Employees as People
The truth is that the more people feel that their boss cares about them as a person the more loyal and productive they are. Once you make sure that everyone knows they are valued you are well on your way to making your employees happy.
While it is important to maintain some form of authority you need to make sure that you are not so rigid you make employees too tense to perform their duties.
3. Nurture the Big Picture
Talk about the company’s visions and goals with your employees. Make them feel as if they are an important part of building something for the future.
Knowing that they are part of the long-term plans for the growth of the company will help make your employees more loyal and engaged. Try to offer, instead of assign responsibilities in your effort to keep them engaged.
You should also encourage teamwork when you can since this will also strengthen unity and keeps employees happy.
4. Plan Social Activities
You should encourage your team to socialize after work hours to foster a more friendly environment. Make sure that your staff knows that you value them having a good work and personal life balance.
You can give your employees perks to help them enjoy life more. Get discounts for them from top brands by using services such as LifeWorks. Helping them to save shows that you not only value their services but their financial well-being as well.
Move Your Workplace Forward
Keeping employees happy is one of the major secrets of success. If you want to ensure that your company keeps growing then there is no better way than to ensure that your employees feel valued at all times and that they know they are part of a team.
Recognize the growth in your employees and tell them about it. Value them as people and take an interest in their well-being. Make sure they know that they are an important part of the growth of the company.
Let your employees engage in social engagements together and give them incentives whenever possible. If you would like more career tips, please visit the career section of our website.