According to, there are 2.14 billion online shoppers worldwide. There’s no surprise that eCommerce websites account for a large proportion of the internet, and Shopify is responsible for managing and hosting the majority of them. As well as hosting space and web design, Shopify takes care of many operations, which means you can simply kick back and watch your product make a profit. Despite this, you still need to understand how to make the most out of Shopify, which you can do by reading through these six tips.

Prioritize Websites for Mobile Use

Having a functional website across all devices is important, but you should prioritize mobile because up to 70% of all traffic comes from mobiles. Fortunately, Shopify has an intuitive web development tool that will help you out, and you don’t need to know a single line of code, all you do is drag and drop.

Use a Range of Plugins

Plugins are responsible for adding features to a website. If you’re familiar with WordPress, you’ll understand what we’re talking about. Fortunately, according to this comparison, Shopify is highly rated when it comes to “App & Community”. There are plugins for almost anything, including scheduling emails to send shortly after purchase. Further, you can require social media logins by using plugins, which give you access to a range of customer-based analytics.

Purchase a Domain

When you use Shopify, you can use their free domain. However, it will look unprofessional because it will have the Shopify domain, which looks something like Having a domain name like this is a nightmare when it comes to building a brand and SEO. Therefore, you should buy a domain name, which will only set you back around $10. 

Use Shopify for Hosting

There are countless providers out there boasting the greatest hosting solutions around, but we suggest sticking with Shopify. Their hosting has incredible speeds and a CDN (Content Distribution Network), which means they have servers worldwide. What this means for your customers is that they’ll get the same great speeds no matter where they are.

Learn The SEO Basics

Website SEO is what helps put your page on top of the SERPs, which is why you need to master it to survive. However, every eCommerce platform has a slightly different process, which is why you should call in an expert in Shopify – we suggest using Renaissance Digital Marketing.

Get On Social Media

If anything beats eCommerce for global web traffic, it’s social media. According to Statista, there are approximately 4.2 billion worldwide users, which is an enormous number of potential customers. You can create a business account for free and use it to post meaningful content and build your brand’s image, which will increase your Shopify sales.

Creating an eCommerce website has never been easier than using Shopify. However, to stand out among the competition, you need to optimize your website and follow other tips outlined above. Remember, if you need some support, don’t hesitate to hire a professional.