In the ever-changing business industry, keeping pace with the latest trends and technologies has become essential for survival. The key to success lies in utilizing these tools to create a winning edge over competitors. As the job market continues to tighten, employers are looking for an advantage when hiring the best talent. One way they can gain the upper hand is by asking specific interview questions to help them identify the top candidates.

As a web developer, you should also be prepared to answer questions about your skillset, experience, and abilities. However, you should also be ready to ask insightful questions. The interview process is a two-way street. The more you know about the company and position you’re interviewing for, the better your chances of impressing the hiring manager. In this blog post, I’ll share some essential web developer interview questions you should know. So, let’s get started.

1. How do you differentiate SOAP from REST?

This question gives employers insight into your understanding of different web development protocols. It also shows whether you’re familiar with the basics of SOAP and REST. To answer this question, explain the key differences between SOAP and REST. For example, you could say that SOAP is a protocol while REST is an architectural style. SOAP uses XML for encoding, while REST uses HTTP. SOAP relies on a SOAP server, while REST does not.

You can also tell them advantages and disadvantages of SOAP and REST. For example, SOAP is more secure, but it’s also more complex. REST is simpler, but it’s not as secure.

2. What should a web developer know?

It is a common question that many employers ask during an interview. It allows them to assess your understanding of what a web developer does. In your answer, you should focus on the basics of web development.

For instance, you could talk about the different types of web development, such as front-end, back-end, and full-stack development. You could also discuss the different programming languages used for web development, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby on Rails.

3. How is HTTP/2 Better than HTTP 1.1?

This question assesses your knowledge of the latest web development technologies. HTTP/2 is the latest version of the HTTP protocol, and it’s designed to improve upon the shortcomings of HTTP 1.1.

In your answer, you should discuss the key features of HTTP/2, such as multiplexing, header compression, server push, and binary framing. You should also explain how these features improve upon the HTTP 1.1 protocol.

4. What is a CDN, and why would you use one?

This question enables the interviewer to assess your understanding of content delivery networks. To answer this question accurately, you should first explain a CDN. A CDN is a content delivery network, a distributed server system that delivers web content to users based on their geographic location. The main reason to use a CDN is to improve the performance of your website. You can reduce latency and improve loading by providing content from a server closer to the user.

5. Tell me about some common security risks when building a web application?

This question assesses your understanding of web application security. It also enables employers to evaluate your ability to think critically about potential security risks. It is also an important question for hiring a developer for custom real estate software development.

In your answer, you should discuss some of the most common security risks, such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). You should also explain how these security risks can be mitigated.

Accurately answering this question requires more than a surface-level understanding of security risks. It also requires you to deeply understand how web applications work and how they can be exploited.

6. Tell me the difference between a GET and a POST request?

This question allows employers to assess your understanding of HTTP requests. To answer this question, you should first explain what an HTTP request is. An HTTP request sent from a client to a server. It consists of a request line, headers, and a body.

The request line contains the HTTP method, either GET or POST. The headers contain information about the request, such as the content type and the client’s IP address. The body has the data that’s being sent to the server. GET requests are used to retrieve data from a server, while POST requests are used to create or update data on a server.

7. What do you know about long polling?

This question allows employers to assess your understanding of real-time web applications. Real-time web applications are those that require data to be updated in near-real-time. To answer this question, you should first explain what long polling is.

Long polling is a technique that’s used to implement real-time web applications. It works by requesting the server and then waiting for it to respond. If the server doesn’t have any data to return, it will wait until it does. Once it has data, it will send a response back to the client.

This technique is contrasted with short polling, which involves making frequent requests to the server to check for new data. Long polling is more efficient because it reduces the number of requests that need to be made, and it can provide a better user experience because the data is updated in near-real-time.