Are you looking for an inexpensive, yet effective approach to marketing a new product or an upcoming event? Then you might want to consider designing a poster and placing it strategically throughout your business premises and in public places where you think your target market might be spending a lot of their time. Poster printing is still a vital aspect of marketing, particularly for SMEs. Here is everything that you need to know.
What to think about
There are a few important questions that you need to answer before you can begin brainstorming ideas regarding the design of the poster. For example, you need to be sure about why you wish to create the poster in the first place.
• What is the precise goal that you want it to achieve?
• What is the specific message that you are hoping to get across?
• Who is your target market and what language are they most likely to identify with?
• What is it that makes your brand most recognizable and how can you ensure that your poster stands out from anything that your competitors have done in the past?
The design
Once you have answered these questions above, you can move onto piecing together the design of your product or event poster. There are a few aspects that you will want to pay attention to:
Imagery: The most critical aspect of a poster is the imagery used to create it. As such, you will want to select pictures and backgrounds that are bright, bold, and relevant to your brand. Steer clear of stock photographs if you want to make a lasting impact and build trust amongst your customers.
The print file: Always remember to follow poster printing best practice guidelines when preparing your print file. For instance, take the time to double check that the poster has been created using CMYK color space, that all raster images are 300 PPI, and that you have used the correct file type (PDF files are best for posters in most cases).
Creative copy: Find a clever way to include compelling copy on your poster without taking anything away from its visual appeal. The key is to keep it short, sweet, and snappy. Ideally, the poster’s photographs and colors should grab an individual’s attention, and the copy should seal the deal. A creative headline, only the most important details regarding the new product or event, and a strong call-to-action should suffice. It is also a good idea to include a scannable QR code on the poster for easy access to more information for anyone who wishes to get the full story.
Remember to do some research to find a reputable printing company to assist you with the design and printing of your poster for best results. You will be in great hands as many of these companies will already understand all the ins and outs when it comes to crafting a successful piece of marketing material such as this. Best of luck!