Folks considering getting an electric vehicle in the near feature would be interested in using Salt River Project’s new online tool that helps guide customers in the purchasing decision.
The online tool calculates the potential first-year electric bill impacts and fuel savings of an electric vehicle compared to a conventional gas vehicle.
Users can select from a complete list of plug-in electric and hybrid vehicles, and they can fine-tune other assumptions such as the distance they drive, where and when they’ll charge their vehicle, and the cost of fuel for their conventional vehicle.
“SRP recognizes that supporting (electric vehicle) adoption can help solve air-quality challenges through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,” said Lori Singleton, director of SRP Emerging Customer Programs. “SRP demonstrates this commitment with 37 plug-in EVs as part of its fleet; nine of which are all electric.
The online calculator also provides estimates for federal, state and local incentives; information about SRP’s EV price plan, which includes a super off-peak period for charging overnight and maps highlighting the selected EV driving range and public charging stations.
SRP is also providing other ways to support EV adoption, including the following:
- Pilot EV workplace charging incentive: Research indicates that one of the most efficient locations for charging stations is at the workplace. SRP provides an incentive at for its commercial customers to adopt charging stations at their work sites. SRP also has dozens of charging stations at various offices for its pool cars and employees.
- EV price plan: Residential customers who own EVs can sign up for the Electric Vehicle Price Plan, which includes a super off-peak period that encourages the charging of EVs overnight when energy is available at a lower cost at
- EV information sharing: SRP is offering a $50 Amazon gift card to encourage customers who own EVs to join the SRP EV community. This program gives customers an opportunity to participate in focus groups and surveys aimed at creating programs to encourage the adoption of EVs.
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