Arizona State University is celebrating 40 years of achievement and dreams attained through the impactful Hispanic Mother Daughter Program. The program is an early-outreach middle and high school program designed to increase the number of first-generation Arizona students who are qualified and prepared to enroll at ASU. 

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The Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program was originally established in 1984 to serve first-generation Hispanic mothers and their daughters. Although the program has retained its name, neither gender nor ethnicity are a consideration as participants are chosen for the program. All students and their parents/guardians are encouraged to apply.

The Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program requires a five-year commitment to the program. Selected parent/student teams agree to attend all in-person and digital workshops beginning in the student’s 8th grade year through the completion of 12th grade.

With more than 2,350 participants to date, ASU has formed partnerships with numerous school districts across the state from the Cartwright School District to Gilbert Public Schools. There are currently more than 830 participants in the program.  Of program participants, more than 75% are on free/reduced lunch, 98% identify as Hispanic, 93% of parent participants have an education level of a high school diploma/GED or less, and most students are from the Mesa Public Schools and Phoenix Union School Districts.

 Additional notable statistics include:

  • One hundred percent of HMDP’s 12th graders graduate high school in four years, compared to the overall four-year Arizona high school graduation rate of 80% and 74.5% for Hispanic students (2017 Data). 
  • More than 80% of HMDP graduates attend an institution of higher education directly after graduation. 

ASU is proud to support these students and their families through Access ASU, which is committed to preparing Arizona students for success in higher education through family engagement, strategic K-12 education and community partnerships.

The 40th Anniversary of HMDP will be celebrated with a breakfast for previous participants of the program on December 5 at 8 a.m. at the ASU Student Pavilion at ASU Tempe Campus. Those who would like to attend are encouraged to RSVP here.

To learn more about the Hispanic Mother Daughter Program, please contact HMDP: or 602-496-1487. 

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con HMDP: o 602-496-1487.