Keith Maio
President and CEO
National Bank of Arizona
Maio has been in banking for more than 30 years. He joined NB|AZ in 1992, was appointed president in 2001 and CEO in 2005.
Biggest challenge: “The challenges of the severe economic downturn, beginning in 2008. Bringing a sharp, tactical approach to working through the problems of the day, while continuing to stay focused on a long term vision for our organization.”
Best advice received: “Know your strengths and weaknesses and hire smart people to fill the voids.”
Best advice to offer: “Ask yourself what activities you are accomplishing today that support your long-term goals. Not a day should go by that does not move you a step closer to your vision for yourself and your organization.”
Greatest accomplishment: “I am very proud and honored that NB|AZ has been selected by Arizonans as the No. 1 bank for 10 of the last 12 years in Ranking Arizona. I believe this is a testament to the power of an organization holding true to its core values and demonstrating a consistent approach to servicing customers each and every day.”