The Aetna Foundation has awarded grant funding in the amount of $30,000 to Esperança for Salud con Sabor Latino (Health with a Latin Flavor). The funding provided will allow Esperança staff to provide nutrition, healthy eating and physical activity education to un-and-under-insured families living in poverty in the Phoenix metro area. Residents are primarily Latino and disproportionately suffer from poor nutrition and obesity.
“The neighborhoods we serve have few resources to aid residents dealing with overweight and obesity,” said Tom Egan, president and CEO of Esperança. “Research shows 64.8 percent of Arizona adults are overweight and 14.6 percent of adolescents. Our Salud con Sabor Latino program gives individuals the information needed to make better lifestyle choices. We’re extremely grateful for the Aetna Foundation’s support.”
Health educators from Esperança will provide participants will a tour of their neighborhood supermarket, so that they are able to easily find healthier alternatives to traditional dishes.
The financial costs of being overweight are staggering. Humana estimates every overweight pound costs $19.39 each year in added health care costs, averaging $1,037.64. Costs are even higher for obesity. For families who are un-or-underinsured, the results of these costs are devastating as families struggle to decide whether to pay for medical treatment or daily necessities.