While many financial organizations offer free credit reports, most recipients don’t know how to interpret that report or the steps they should take to improve their scores. Now, Take Charge America, Inc., a national nonprofit credit counseling and debt management agency, is taking this offer even further, providing free credit reports along with a complimentary phone consultation to help people understand their score, how it affects their ability to secure loans and how to rebuild their credit.
The service, called Credit Look, includes a 15-minute phone call with a certified credit counselor who performs a soft credit pull, which has no effect on a credit score. From there, the counselor provides a line-by-line credit report review and gives expert advice on how to raise this score. If needed, credit counselors also recommend additional financial services, such as credit counseling or student loan counseling, to help people reach their financial goals.
“While it’s important to know what your credit score is, it’s even more important to understand how you can boost that score,” said Carol Lown, a corporate officer with Take Charge America. “Credit Look helps people understand how their credit score affects their personal finances and motivates them to make choices that will improve their financial wellbeing.”
Credit is a major factor in securing a mortgage, buying a new car or taking out a loan for other major purchases. It also affects loan interest rates, as lenders typically offer lower rates to borrowers with strong credit.
“Many people are worried that their credit is hurting their financial future, but they’re afraid to reach out for help,” added Lown. “Credit Look is an easy, free and confidential way to begin the process of improving your credit and your financial future.”