Volunteers are being recruited to help conduct the nationwide 2014 Hunger Study – the most in-depth and comprehensive census of hunger in America that has been taken once every four years since 1993. As one of the largest food banks in the country, St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance is organizing a massive statewide effort in our state to interview hundreds of clients throughout different agencies in Arizona.
Volunteers will be trained by the Food Bank on how to conduct the Hunger Study with the use of tablets during the month of March. Study results will be used to provide local and national statistics on how many people are hungry and the types of daily choices families need to make, such as whether to spend money on food, electricity, or medical care. The data collected will be part of a nationwide study that will be used for hunger education, advocacy, and public policy throughout the country.
St. Mary’s Food Bank needs about 80 volunteers (18 or older) to complete the Hunger Study and those participating will be able to indicate their preference on where in the Valley and state that would like to travel, and on which days of the week at specific times. There is a particular need for bilingual volunteers and those who live in northern Arizona and the more remote areas of the state.
Interested volunteers should contact St. Mary’s Volunteer Services Specialist Jennifer Gonzales at (603) 343-3134 or via email at jvgonzales@firstfoodbank.org for more information or to become part of the hunger study team.