The Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council (GSACPC) announced it has received a generous $25,000 challenge grant from T.W. Lewis Foundation. For every new gift made at $1,000 and above, the foundation will provide an additional $1,000 to the Girl Scouts up to $25,000. These challenge grant funds will help underwrite camperships for girls in the foster care system and support the growth of our social impact programs in Maricopa County, specifically in Mesa and Maryvale. “If you’ve ever thought about supporting the Girl Scouts, now’s the time to jump in! It’s such a great opportunity to increase the impact of a gift,” said Christina Spicer, Senior Associate-Fund Development.
GSACPC serves girls throughout central and northern Arizona, and is committed to ensuring that every girl can build her courage, confidence and character and make the world a better place through Girl Scouting. About 7% of membership is supported by Social Impact programs. The Social Impact programs serve girls in disadvantaged and underserved areas of the community including foster care. Members in supported troops have their dues and program materials paid for by Council and receive assistance with camp fees and transportation to Girl Scout events and programs.
“Not only does the challenge grant enable our council to increase the number of girls we serve, but it also helps build a stronger donor base to increase the sustainability of our programs in the future,” said Tamara Woodbury, CEO of Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council.