Girls in Tech, an organization focused on the empowerment, entrepreneurship, engagement and education of women in technology, is hosting the fourth annual Catalyst Conference, a three-day event designed to celebrate women in this new age of innovation.

The conference will run from April 17 to 19 at the Hotel Palomar in downtown Phoenix.

The Girls in Tech Catalyst Conference will include inspiring keynotes from female leaders, as well as multi-media presentations and networking events. The conference also offers attendees exciting discussion and sage advice on innovation and technology, and will provide them with a platform to exchange ideas, connect with other influential women, and create lasting business relationships that could have considerable impact on the technology industry at large.

“We’re excited to welcome the Girls in Tech Catalyst Conference back to downtown for the second year in a row. Some of the world’s most innovative women in technology will come together in Phoenix to empower other women to lead and succeed in this critical field.” said Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton.

Anyone who is interested in learning more about women in technology and how to narrow and even eliminate the gender gaps in the workforce, are welcome to attend.

Featured discussion topics for this year’s event include:

  • Fuel­ing the She-Economy: Why It Matters
  • Build­ing Your Brand, Net­work­ing, and Show­cas­ing You
  • Prac­ti­cal Prod­uct Mar­ket­ing: Engag­ing your Cus­tomers to Drive Advo­cacy and Growth
  • Diver­sity and Inclu­sion: Lever­ag­ing The But­ter­fly Effect
  • What it Takes to Build a Great Com­pany: Mis­takes Entre­pre­neurs Make That No One Talks About
  • How the Accel­er­ated Learn­ing Model is Help­ing to Alter the Gen­der Dis­par­ity in the Tech­nol­ogy Work­force

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Amy Bunszel, Vice President, AutoCAD Products, Autodesk
  • Leah Busque, Founder & CEO, TaskRabbit
  • Sandy Carter, Social Business Evangelist & General Manager, Cloud Ecosystem & Developers, IBM
  • Mercedes De Luca, COO, Basecamp
  • Debra Jensen, CIO, Charlotte Russe
  • Rashmi Kumar, Vice President of Information Technology, McKesson
  • Fran Maier, Founder & Chair of the Board, TRUSTe and co-founder of
  • Monique Morrow, CTO, New Frontiers Engineering, Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Cheryl Porro, Senior Vice President, Technology & Products, Salesforce
  • Kara Swisher, Executive Editor & Co-Founder, Re/Code
  • Jennifer Tejada, President & CEO of Keynote
  • Christine Vonderach, Vice President in Information Technology, Clorox
  • Kristen Wolberg, Vice President of Technology, PayPal

For more information about speakers and schedule of events and to register to attend, please visit: