Did you know that The Queen of England employs around 1,200 members of staff, just to keep the Royal Family households up and running? These positions include drivers, gardeners and cooks, all assisting the Royals in their various homes. Prince Edward and Sophie, Countess of Wessex, are currently looking to hire a full-time cook for their Bagshot Park home, close to Windsor. What does it take to fill such a position?

A New Era Brings New Opportunities for Household Staff

As Bob Dylan sang: Times they are a changin’. Houses ran by a butler with valets, a cook, a gardener and a chauffeur are quite rare these days. But they still exist in the monarchy, and it would seem like anyone fitting the criteria required by the job offer, could be the next cook for a Prince and a Countess. Chances are the chosen person will probably cook for the Queen, next time she visits Bagshot Park. Quite a challenge, wouldn’t you say?

The truth is there is still a lot of demand for household staff from butlers to valets to house managers. In fact there are new opportunities in the field. You might not be able to fill the role of cook for the Royals, but if you work in this industry, you should probably look at offers on this household staff job board.

Working at Bagshot Park

Prince Edward and Countess Sophie have been living together at Bagshot Park since their wedding in 1999. The Mansion House is also home to their two children, Lady Louise and James Viscount Severn. There is no lack of privacy for the family as they live on 51 acres of ground.

Whoever takes on the responsibility of cook, risks being quite busy in the months and years to come, as the couple hiring has recently stepped up in their roles. That is due in part by Prince Andrew having to step back and by the departure of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from their current roles. The recent reception marking the UK-Africa Investment Summit alongside Prince William and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, was an indication of things to come.

What Does the Job Entail?

If you take a look on the Royal Household’s website, the job listing indicates that they are looking for a primary cook who would be in charge of planning, preparation and cooking of the family’s daily meals. That implies monitoring and refreshing the food supplies and equipment for the household.

But where it gets really interesting is where it says that this person will also have the opportunity to cook for formal and official events, such as lunches and dinner parties. Up for it?