Most employees say the benefits of office relocation outweigh the challenges, according to a new Clutch survey of 503 full-time employees.

Businesses typically move office spaces as a result of growth or changing needs. Leaders should be forthcoming about the progress of the office search to make the transition smooth.

“It is important for each organization to put someone in charge of the move who will keep communication open and transparent,” said Leslie Saul, owner of Leslie Saul & Associates.

Businesses that are encouraging and communicative about the office relocation can make employees see the move as positive, too.

Office Relocation Distracts Employees, So Businesses Should Take Time to Collect Feedback, Reduce Stress

Distraction is inevitable when a business moves office spaces, and it will take time for employees to adjust to a new space.

Two-thirds of employees (67%) say they found office relocation challenging, despite the overall benefits of the move, and 30% said it was a distraction.

All Star Cleaning Services in Colorado moved from a 1,500-square-foot to a 5,000-square-foot office space last year. Employees now appreciate the larger space but were initially frustrated with the move.

“What was supposed to take three weeks ended up taking almost three months before we were able to fully move into the remodeled areas,” General Manager Ajia Holiday said. “Trying to answer phones and give solid customer service while people are [installing] floor above your head can be a very stressful work environment,”

The company lost some employees as a result of the stress from the move. The employees who stayed, however, know the move was necessary for the growing business.

Businesses moving office spaces should listen to employee feedback and reduce as much stress as possible to minimize challenges.

“It’s important that employees feel they have some say in the moving process – location, accessibility, some design input,” said Commercial Realtor Michelle Mumoli, CEO of the Mumoli Bush Group. “After all, if your employees are unhappy, you’ll be unhappy.”

New Office Spaces Give Employees More Comfort, Space, and Productivity

Most employees enjoyed new perks when their company moved office spaces, including more comfort and space.

The top benefits of office relocation for employees were a more comfortable space (67%), more space to accomplish tasks (61%), a more visually appealing space (50%), and improved productivity (48%).

“Typically, you get a new and improved workspace [when moving offices],” said Samuel Buckner, managing partner at The Tenant Agency.

A business should find an office space that offers new or different amenities to employees. This will build enthusiasm among workers.

Clutch’s 2019 Commercial Real Estate Survey included 503 full-time U.S. employees who moved offices with their current business within the past 10 years.

Read the full report here: