A recent American Enterprise Institute (AEI) comparison ranked Arizona the number one inbound state in the nation. The inbound-outbound ranking is determined by the percentage of people moving to the state versus those leaving in 2018 based on Census Bureau data. The comparison also reviewed indicators related to tax and regulatory friendliness, business climate, affordability and job opportunities and found inbound states like Arizona generally vast outperforming their peers.
“With hundreds of new residents and businesses moving to Arizona every day, one thing is clear — smart policy matters,” said Governor Ducey. “With more people and a booming economy, Arizona has been able to invest in the things that matter—like K-12 education, public safety and child safety—while preparing for our future. This is a winning recipe, and Arizona will continue to prioritize growing jobs, expanding opportunity and keeping Arizona the most welcoming state in the nation.
According to AEI, 60.4 percent of the moves in Arizona were inbound and 39.6 percent were outbound, resulting in a +23.2 percent net inflow. Arizona experienced a 3.4 percent employment growth between October 2017 and October 2018, tied for highest of inbound states. Additionally, Arizona’s 2018 Real GDP growth rate reached 4 percent — the second highest among AEI’s inbound states.
With a growing economy, hundreds of new residents everyday and a fiscally conservative budget, Arizona went from a $1 billion deficit four years ago to a $1 billion surplus today and a record-breaking $1.014 billion in the Rainy Day Fund. View the AEI ranking HERE. |