Salt River Project (SRP) is offering residential customers two new ways to help save resources and money. On average, families save 6 percent annually on their energy bills with the SRP EZ-3™ Price Plan by reducing energy use from 3–6 p.m. weekdays. Starting this month, SRP offers even more ways to save with two new pilot times: 2–5 p.m. and 4–7 p.m. Space is limited to 10,000 customers for each new time.

“Our Time-of-Day Price Plans, such as EZ-3 and Time-of-Use, are designed to accommodate a variety of lifestyles and offer more ways to save,” explained Debbie Kimberly, SRP’s Director of Customer Programs & Marketing. “We added new EZ-3 options to make it easier for more people to fit it into their lifestyle. Whether they work 9 to 5, evenings or shift work, they can find an option that best suits their needs.”

SRP offers these options to help control energy prices during “on-peak” hours, when it costs the most to produce electricity because of high demand. Customers who enroll and help by shifting or reducing energy usage during higher-cost hours are rewarded with lower prices during off-peak hours.

Here’s a checklist to determine if an EZ-3 plan is a good fit:

  • August bill exceeds $125
  • Reside in an average-size or a large home
  • Use major appliances daily
  • Can significantly limit or shift energy use for just three hours

Time-of-Day Price Plans have helped customers save money for more than 20 years. Today, more than 200,000 SRP customers participate in these programs. For more information or to sign up, call (602) 236-8888 or visit