With an eye on attracting large commercial and industrial clients to Salt River Project’s 2,900-square-mile electric service area, and the jobs that will come with them, SRP’s Economic Development team has launched a new website, www.PowerToGrowPHX.com.
Caryn Sanchez, a senior planning analyst in SRP’s Forecasting Research & Economic Development group, said the new and improved SRP Economic Development website will assist SRP’s economic development partners in their efforts to attract those large clients to Greater Phoenix by providing information about SRP’s areas of expertise.
“This includes data about power rates and reliability, the availability of water resources and the availability of SRP’s dark-fiber network, the largest in Arizona — all conveyed in a language and layout that speak to site selectors and corporate executives,” said Sanchez.
The new website also tells the story of the Valley as a whole, said Ed Grant, an SRP Forecasting Research & Economic Development senior planning analyst.
“This comprehensive tool also explores aspects that give Greater Phoenix the competitive edge economic development experts know it has — a low disaster risk, quality transportation infrastructure, an affordable and skilled workforce, a friendly business climate and a strong quality of life,” said Grant. “The website also provides core demographic and economic data.”
Grant said the new site aims to capture SRP Economic Development’s driving mission: to attract employers to Phoenix and build business in conjunction with our many partners, including the Arizona Commerce Authority, the Greater Phoenix Economic Council, and the region’s many chambers and municipal economic development entities.
“We value and emphasize the collaboration that takes place with our key partners and stakeholders to help businesses succeed in the Valley of the Sun,” he said. “We hope they’ll take a look at what we’ve created and provide us feedback so we can serve the region better.”
SRP General Manager and Chief Executive Officer Mark Bonsall said the collaboration between SRP and its key partners plays a vital role in businesses succeeding here.
“As a major energy provider and manager and steward of the Valley’s water supply, SRP is a key stakeholder when it comes to economic development initiatives in our region,” said Bonsall. “We bring the infrastructure to the table that enables the development.”
SRP is the largest provider of water and power to the greater Phoenix metropolitan area.