A new study shows 2 Arizona Universities made the list of the best online MBA programs in 2019. University of Arizona was ranked No. 34 and Arizona State University was ranked No. 91.
While traditional MBA enrollment is down across the board, online MBA programs are seeing record numbers of people enroll due to lower tuition costs and the ability to study from anywhere.
In fact, the U.S. News and World Report 2019 list of online MBA programs includes 301 schools, up from just 170 in 2017.
BusinessStudent.com analyzed all programs and today released a study on the 202 Best Online MBA Programs in 2019.
Programs without accreditations (AACSB or ACBSP) were not included. The rankings were determined by analyzing five criteria: tuition, accreditation, acceptance rate, student support and engagement.
As part of the study, more than 100 former online MBA students were surveyed and 83% ranked tuition price as their number one consideration when choosing a program.
Based solely on tuition, BusinessStudent.com also ranked the 25 highest priced online MBA programs and the 25 most affordable programs.