If you want to reach a global audience through media production of any kind, the ability to change your videos into other languages is a must. And now that video translation is becoming more refined and widespread, people need to get on the bandwagon and do it right.

So, what does this mean in reality? There are many aspects of the video translation process that require care and attention to detail. If you go through them systematically and thoroughly, you should be in a good position to create quality videos in multiple languages. 

The following sections should give you a background on the process. If you really want a high-quality production, you should look into professional video translation services such as the Rask AI

Steps involved in the video translation process

In the following sections, we will run through the steps involved in the video translation process. Ultimately, what video creators should ultimately aim for is an accurate translation of all of the subtle nuances of the original video.

So, what does this mean in terms of the process? Let’s take a closer look.

Transcribe the original audio

The first thing you need to do in creating a video translation is transcribe the original content into written text. This will be the basis for your video. Having a written translation to turn to is essential for understanding what is being said and for providing a basis for your video translations.

Caution about audio transcriptions

Beware of auto transcriptions as video translation tools. Just like Google Translate, auto transcriptions and automatic translations can be an excellent way to speed up the process. But you should never rely upon them alone. Auto translations are simply tools, of course, and they very much lack the human element. Many subtleties such as cultural nuances, sensitivity to jargon and fillers can make all the difference in the quality of a translated version.

So while you can start with this, when you auto transcribe, your product should be accompanied by a thorough review alongside native speakers of the language in question who are professional linguists (and, if applicable, a regional speaker of the dialect in question).

Video translation for global media

The next part of the process is the translation/transcreation part, which is similar to what you would get from traditional translation services. Pay attention to subtle language barriers when you do this.

For the video translation component of the process, it is absolutely essential to have a native speaker on hand as human translators are necessary to check spoken content. Native speakers help to capture the real meaning of any given speech. 

A native speaker understands the international audiences that the video will be available for. This includes subtleties in language, the context in which the video will be made available, and many other minor points that outsiders cannot understand.

Adjustment of video aspects

Just as words need to be translated for foreign audiences, so too to certain aspects of the video production. Different cultures have different preferences with regard to graphics, overlays, and other visual elements.

This obviously includes major cultural elements such as religious references, etc. But it also includes more subtle things like preferences with regard to color and backgrounds, etc. 

The importance of subtitle length constraints

If you’re going to include translated subtitles in your translations, it is imperative that you follow the rules of subtitle length. Remember that people’s ability to read within a very short period of time is limited, and even if some readers are faster you need to create your subtitles with the median person in mind. 

What do you want in the end?

The goal of creating subtitles should be to remain as concise as possible but still convey the whole meaning of what the original audio was. This is a difficult thing to achieve so it is important that you work with seasoned professionals.

The other important aspect about creating subtitles is that they should create a smooth combination with the audio and a pleasant viewing experience for those watching.

Importance of dialects and accents with a native video translator

When translating,a crucial aspect is working with native speakers of the target language or languages to refine dialects and accents. While it is not always possible to recreate jargon in another language – considering that it often comes from local circumstances – working with native speakers can help to ensure as close of an approximation as possible

Culture is critical

There are many things that need to be taken into consideration when translating dialects into multiple languages, including cultural contexts and the context of individual YouTube videos or other types of videos. And while it is not possible to “translate” accents, human translators can adjust their translations according to the constructs of the video in question. There are many subtle nuances that can be tweaked for local audiences.

Pay attention to copyright and legal issues

Every region has its own laws with regard to translations. When you complete this process, you absolutely must pay attention to the laws in the places where your videos will be distributed.

And you need to think about the broader context in which this distribution might take place. If you produce a video in French, for example, keep in mind that your video might be distributed throughout French-speaking countries. So do your research on all of the regulations that might be relevant to your production. 

Look for permission avenues

It may be the case that you need to obtain special permission to distribute your videos in a particular place. This is often a straightforward process, though, so just be sure that you know how to do it.

Address multimodal issues

When translations are created, they often take multiple forms. This can include text, speech, and video. The job of a translator is to integrate all of these elements together in a way that is clear and coherent. 

In order to achieve this, it is essential that producers work closely with technical teams. The goal should be to create as high-quality of a product as possible. 

Reviewing your video translated content and translation quality

The creation of a high-quality translated video content requires multiple rounds of testing. This is necessary to find and eliminate any flaws in the production. It also allows teams to refine a media translation to create a more accurate production. 

One thing that is helpful in the reviewing process is obtaining feedback from viewers and experts on the team. As a video producer, you should make every possible effort to obtain feedback and incorporate it into your productions.

The importance of reviewing videos multiple times before releasing them cannot be overstated. There are far too many videos out there that are of mediocre quality and not thoroughly polished. To make yourself stand out, it is essential that you perfect every aspect of your translation and video quality. 

What will you gain?

This will reap benefits for you. When you create a product that stands out from among the rest, you will gain brand recognition, see your popularity rise in global markets, and watch your sales grow.

What to do if you want to auto translate

As mentioned above, automatic translations can be useful in the initial stages of creating a final product. While you don’t want to stop there, it can be helpful to know the steps involved to automatically translate.

To complete an auto translation, follow these steps:

Choose the right translation tool

There are plenty of video translation tools available online that you can use for auto translation. Consider the languages that you want to translate your videos into and look for a translation tool that will support them specifically. 

Prepare high-quality video content

Be sure that the video content you will use for translation is polished and prepared to be used as a final product. For the best quality, MP4 is preferable.

Upload your video

Once you have your chosen tool and video prepared, you can upload it into the software program.

Choose your source and the languages that you want to translate into

You then need to list both the language that you are translating from, as well as the ones you want to produce.

You will likely have the option of adding additional features such as translated subtitles, captions, and voiceovers. You can choose whichever features are suitable for your purposes and add them.

Conduct the translation and check the results

The next step is to hit the translation button and wait for the translation to take place.

When you receive it, you can adjust the settings as you see fit to create a better-quality product. 

Download the translation 

Once you have a translation that you are happy with, you can download it and prepare to share it with others. Be sure to review it with others to ensure that it meets the standards of native speakers in the regions where it will be viewed.


Translating videos into foreign languages can be great for reaching global audiences with any media translation. In order to do this effectively, there are several critical things that you should keep in mind.

Be sure to work alongside native speakers of the languages that you want to produce in order to ensure that you retain as much of the original message as possible. Be prepared to tweak and refine your media translation as much as necessary to obtain the quality that you want.

If you do this correctly, you should be able to expand your global reach manifold and effectively spread your material to new audiences. This, in turn, will help with your brand awareness, eventually increase your revenue, and open up even more possibilities for a new target language or languages for your material. You may well be on your way to global fame.