From social media business gurus to motivational speakers and everyone in between, it seems like everyone has their own secret stack of productivity tips to share with the world.
Some of them are gimmicks, others are legit, but it’s certainly interesting to see what people are saying on a subject that we all value in the business world. Entrepreneurs are machines of achievement, of course, so let’s hear a few of their greatest productivity tips now.
Win the Morning
Those first few minutes of the day are pivotal. It’s a make-or-break moment where you set a precedent for action and productivity. Get started on the right foot and jump right into your routine.
“I have been a morning person for as long as I can remember,” said Tirzah Shirai, Founder and CEO of BlinkBar. “Effectively using my morning contributes directly to how productive my day is. I am my most creative in the morning as well. I make sure to block off time to work effectively and without distractions.”
Maybe you aren’t a morning person now, but with some effort, you can become one more easily than you think.
Track Results
It’s the old business saying that never falls out of favor – what gets measured gets managed. You can apply this to everything in your life, from business to health and relationships.
“To improve productivity, my team will center their attention on objectives and key results,” said Benjamin Smith, Founder of Disco. “Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) helps you track your progress, align, and promote engagement centered around measurable goals. OKRs are a form of collaborative goal-setting tools that both teams and individuals use to challenge themselves towards new measurable outcomes. This process allows everyone to contribute which tends to boost production levels to new heights.”
Every team will have a different set of OKRs, so establish yours ASAP.
Be Smart About Breaks
We all need to take a break now and then, especially when we have so much on our plates.
However, the line between breaks and procrastination is a thin one, so be aware of how you’re spending those key minutes and moments.
“Take breaks when you need to, but don’t let a break turn into a mini-vacation during the day,” said Aidan Cole, Co-Founder of Nailboo. “Take a breath, refuel and regain control, then get right back to the grind, because wasted time can compound quickly.”
Set a timer and be intentional whenever you take a break so that you don’t lose your momentum when you need it most.
Daily To-Dos
Never underestimate the power of a to-do list, even if the tasks don’t seem like they’re worth writing down. Just crossing things off your list is a powerful motivator and mental boost.
“One way to improve your productivity is to create to-do lists,” said Ajay Mehta, CEO of Birthdate. “Create a list of top priorities that must be accomplished today, a list of tasks that must be completed by the end of the week, and a list of things to be accomplished by the end of the month. This will allow you to focus on what’s most important first.”
Your to-do list should be long but manageable, and keep you pushing throughout the day.
Fresh Routines
You might think you’ve got the ideal daily routine, but is it really helping you stay productive and level up in life? Maybe it’s worth another look or some revision.
“It is very easy to slip into a schedule that you are comfortable with,” said Jo Parenteau, Co-Founder and CEO of Fable Home. “When you do this there is a possibility that your productivity will go down because your brain isn’t being stimulated in different ways. Changing your routine can be as simple as having iced coffee one day and hot coffee the next.”
Just some minor changes to your routine can make a big difference, so be flexible.
All About Priorities
You might have a vague idea of where your priorities lie from one day to the next, but if you don’t clarify and organize them in an explicit way, things can get jumbled and lost.
“Prioritizing projects and keeping to an organized schedule will help lay your days out,” said Olivia Young, Head of Product Design at Conscious Items. “You will get those top projects done on time and keep goals on track.”
Make your priorities clear to yourself and others, and be more accountable on all fronts.
Prepare for Success
It’s natural to feel a bit unprepared in certain business situations, but that’s also a sign that you could be doing more to be ready for the challenges ahead.
“To ensure you have a productive day, the preparation starts the day before,” said Michael Waxman, Co-Founder and CEO of Sundays for Dogs. “Either when you are wrapping up your workday or later that night, set up your workspace for the following day. Be aware of the meetings you have scheduled and what times they are at. Also, be aware of any materials you may need to prepare for those meetings.”
Intense preparation isn’t always necessary, so take it case by case and trust your instincts.
Keep it Simple
We are constantly being pulled in different directions by coworkers, distractions online, and obligations in our personal lives. Don’t you think it’s time to simplify things?
“The most helpful thing for team productivity at a startup is to focus on no more than 3 top priorities for the week and align the team around those,” said Meghan Maupin, CEO of Atolla. “I strongly believe in having less meetings, and we do ‘no meeting’ Fridays to give time for people to do uninterrupted project work. Personally, I time-box tasks and am able to get a lot done in the day because I’m spending my time efficiently.”
You’ll be surprised how much productivity improves when you make things more simple in your daily and weekly routines.
Be Strict with Yourself
Now that so many of us work from home, self-discipline is a bit tougher to enforce. If you find yourself slipping, crack down on bad habits and get back on track, ASAP.
“Having a strict schedule for both my work life and my daily routine has been the most effective way to maximize my time,” said Lo Bosworth, Founder and CEO of Love Wellness. “Most importantly, when it comes time to close my laptop and end my workday, I do just that. Listen to your mind to ensure you are not overworking yourself. Finish your day with a home-cooked meal and a book. Routine is going to be important for productivity, and routine looks different for everyone.”
Remember that you’re in this for the long haul – physical and mental health is paramount.
Task Management
Let’s be honest – some tasks are way easier than others and they can be done almost mindlessly. On their hand, we all have projects that require 100% undivided attention. This is just the nature of work, and it applies to everyone.
“If you’re a morning person, prioritize your most important work for when you just start working and have the most energy,” said Eddie Huai, CEO of Luna Blanket. “Throughout the day, we tend to start to slack off if we are just doing menial tasks, so bump the projects and tasks you’re most excited about or the most important tasks to the beginning of the day so you can ensure you’re not missing any details or making mistakes that need to be fixed later.”
Know how to pace yourself throughout the day and handle each task with the proper amount of energy and focus.
Just Get Moving
Do you find yourself stuck in neutral for long parts of the day? This can put a serious damper on production, so the best answer is to just get to work, even if you aren’t feeling inspired.
“Don’t wait until everything is just right,” said Author and Motivational Speaker Mark Victor Hansen. “It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less-than-perfect conditions. So what? Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident, and more and more successful.”
The funny thing is that you quickly get in the groove once you begin work, and it’s never as difficult as you imagined it to be.
Culture is Key
Company culture took a backseat in 2020 as we all endured the pandemic and remote work transition, but now that things are roaring back, don’t overlook this important aspect of life at work.
“Workplace productivity is an extension of your company culture,” said Alex Mathews, Co-Founder of De La Calle. “We believe in always keeping our employee’s wellbeing at the forefront of our operations. Encouraging collaborative projects is a great way to boost productivity; especially in remote work, people seek connection and interaction.”
Culture starts on an individual level, so set a strong example and lead the way!
Laser Focus
Achieving deep focus is always easier said than done, but there are several techniques that can help get you in the zone. Start by reminding yourself why you began your journey, and remember your long-term goals – that is key.
“When I am focused and passionate, I am motivated to do great things,” said Tyler Boyd, Co-Founder and CEO of Squeeze. “Running a business can distract you from that passion, look inward and refer back to the original moments of your company. Ask yourself why you started your business and try to relate to those feelings.”
As you strengthen that focus muscle, it becomes easier to pull the lever and lock in, no matter what is on your plate or on your mind.
Build Connections
Today’s work culture is a bit disconnected since everyone is operating out of home offices and separated from the core of the company. Keep connections strong with ongoing communication, and motivate one another when it matters most.
“The biggest challenge I’ve faced as an HR manager during remote work is making sure my company’s employees create relationships with each other,” said Shaun Price, Head of Customer Acquisition at MitoQ. “Work friendships motivate employees to enjoy their work, create a positive work culture, and emotionally connect to the company. Emotionally connected employees are more likely to feel proud of their work and innovate within a company because they care about the company’s future.”
Connections at work are so valuable, not just for productivity, but for morale and enjoyment as well.
Dive Right In
We all tend to perform mental gymnastics when it comes time to get work done, and this can be devastating for daily productivity. Willpower goes a long way, and we sometimes just need to dive into a project regardless of how we feel.
“I always did something I was a little not ready to do,” said Marissa Mayer, Former CEO of Yahoo! “I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough.”
Nobody is ever totally prepared – not even the entrepreneur icons we all know and respect. That’s okay, because taking action is the most crucial thing.
Big Picture Approach
It’s so easy to get stuck in the weeds and stress about little things throughout the day. When you zoom out and remind yourself of top priorities, it helps you push forward and make progress.
“Being able to prioritize the ‘biggest picture’ items on your to-do list first, then working on the details and smaller items later is helpful in becoming more efficient with your time, so you can focus on creating more for your business later with more creative energy,” said Elliot Kim, Co-Founder Head of Finance and Operations at Brevite. “It’s also good to make sure your meetings are also prioritized this way as well, with the biggest meetings with the most people being scheduled first so there is no confusion later.”
Most of the time, small dramas and mishaps are not the end of the world. Be an adult about it and move onto the next step.
No Distractions
Imagine a world without distractions – we’d be in flying cars by now, for sure! Jokes aside, there are definitely too many things that kill our focus daily, so do your best to be distraction-free.
“Try to eliminate distractions and maintain a to-do or checklist,” said Veronica Becchetti, Head of Production at Wild One. “With the new WFH world, distractions of a noisy office have now changed to a noisy significant other lol. But for me and the team it’s critical to ensure that everyone is aware of the goals and objectives of each task to help motivate us all to accomplish and check them off the list!”
What is the main distraction in your life right now? Be honest and pinpoint the source if you want to take your productivity to the next level.
Momentum Matters
We’ve all seen the power of momentum in our own lives, whether it’s through positive habits or letting things slide one too many times. Use momentum to your advantage by getting ahead of the curve early.
“The biggest productivity hack is to simply just get moving as soon as possible, rather than waiting around, overthinking things, and letting your laziness get the best of you,” said Dr. Zachary Okhah, Founder and Chief Surgeon at PH-1 Miami. “You will gain momentum as soon as you start, so don’t delay, even if you aren’t feeling super motivated.”
That first step is often the hardest, so break through that initial barrier quickly.
Cut Out the Noise
Rather than adding more to your daily routine, why not strip things away and get down to the absolute necessities? This can be a very powerful approach for productivity.
“A great tip to improve your productivity is to get rid of unnecessary things,” said Tri Nguyen, CEO of Network Capital. “When we allow tasks, papers, and other things to clutter our mind and workspace it slows down our productivity. So try clearing your workspace of unnecessary clutter and then clear your mental list of tasks as well. Write out the top priority tasks and focus on those.”
When clutter is cleared, everything is easier in both work and life..
Equip Employees
You could have the most capable and enthusiastic employees in your industry, but without the proper tools to empower them, you’ll always find yourself a step behind the competition.
“Providing employees with the right tools and equipment is vital to performing duties efficiently and on time,” said Jordan Nathan, Founder and CEO of Caraway. “Having the right tools and equipment will increase the amount of work you get done each day and the ability to make the most of each working minute. The right tools and equipment truly play a huge part in your success.”
Not sure what your employees need? Why not ask for some feedback and see how you can help them out?
Maintain Balance
The paradox of productivity is that if you don’t stay balanced with personal and health needs, you won’t end up getting much done at all. Keep that balance no matter what, even if it means a bit of lost production in the short term.
“As an entrepreneur and mom of two, working from home definitely has its challenges,” said Divya Gugnani, Co-Founder and CEO of Wander Beauty. “While every day is different, it helps to have a basic core routine so the rest of your day can fall into place. I utilize time blocking so I can do deep work and give 100% to my priority tasks.”
They haven’t produced a pill or magic spell for productivity yet, but in the meantime, you can follow these suggestions from successful entrepreneurs to get on track and stay focused.