As April 22nd draws near, sustainability-minded folks around the world are preparing to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the event. It’s hard to imagine that before Senator Gaylord Nelson created the event as a way to “force this issue onto the national agenda” there was no real concentrated efforts to do anything for the environment.

A lot has changed since 1970, when President Richard Nixon and Congress authorized the creation of a new federal agency — the Environmental Protection Agency — in response to the growing public demand for increased environmental awareness. Now, sustainability and being “green” is a hot topic across the globe and Earth Day is a worldwide movement.

The Environmental Protection Agency also has evolved greatly since its inception and is doing its part to raise awareness about the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. The agency has numerous incentives and programs that you can learn more about on their website The Pick5 initiative lists simple things you can do to help the environment. Just click on a category, for example “Waste” and a list of tips pop open to show you what you can do to help! An interactive map lets you see what Earth Day activities will be going on in your area and much, much more.

This Earth Day, as we reflect on the history of this worldwide event, lets join together to create a successful future of continued environmental awareness.