Welcome to our weekly green news roundup. This week we’ve gathered stories about greening your workplace, the results from the Copenhagen climate summit, clean technology and more.
Feel free to send along any stories you’d like by e-mailing me at kasia@azbigmedia.com. Also visit AZ Green Scene for informative articles on sustainability endeavors in the Valley and state.
Clean technology investments bounce back
In an optimistic first quarter of 2010, $1.9 billion was invested into green tech startups – an 83 percent increase over a year ago, and the strongest start to a year ever. Where did the money go? Electric car-related startups got $704 million, and half of that went to a single Silicon Valley company. Other top industries were solar and energy efficiency.
Copenhagen climate summit wasn’t a flop, reports say
December’s Copenhagen climate summit was generally considered unsuccessful since it did not produce a new treaty to limit greenhouse gas emissions. But now experts say that the summit wasn’t a total failure after all – and may have had some successes, including garnering more pledged emissions reduction than the 1997 Kyoto Protocol.
George W. Bush: wind power champion?
Wind power may have a new famous face. In a rare public appearance (he’s made very few since leaving office), George W. Bush will address the 2010 national conference of the wind power industry in Dallas in May.
Chemical exposure may triple breast cancer risk
Obviously chemical exposure is never good, and we’re all pretty familiar with the dangers. But a new study indicates that women who are routinely exposed to synthetic fibers and petrol products could be three times as likely to develop breast cancer. It’s a new study and there’s still that chance the link could be coincidental — but better to be safe than sorry.
How to: green your workplace in 6 steps without driving your co-workers nuts
We all know those people who take going green to the extreme, and it can be pretty annoying. Don’t shy away from going green for fear of being that person. Check out this article – the title speaks for itself.