With so much going on in sustainability these days, I always find it difficult to narrow it down to just one thing to write about. Instead, I’ve decided to post a weekly green news roundup with some interesting green stories from around the Web. Enjoy! Feel free to send along any stories you’d like to share by e-mailing me at kasia@azbigmedia.com
Also visit AZ Green Scene for informative articles focusing on sustainability endeavors in the Valley and state.
Vancouver Olympics Going for the Green
The 2010 Winter Olympics have been at the center of the news for 2 weeks now, but I didn’t know until I read this LA Times article that they’re the greenest Olympics in history! The mayor of Vancouver, Gregor Robertson, rides his bike to events even though he was provided with a car and driver. Using renewable hydro power for electricity and high green building standards, Vancouver generated fewer greenhouse gases in seven years of preparation than Salt Lake City and Turin did just during their Games!
An Inn Is an Oasis From Environmental Affronts
Topia Inn in the Berkshires is committed to providing guests with a completely green, organic experience. Guests are asked to remove their shoes before entering the no-smoking facility where they are provided with complimentary organic bath and body products and an organic breakfast. It’s a vacation that helps the environment too!
The Waste of Eating Out
No time to read through an entire article? Check out the Huffington Post’s visual representation of just how much waste we create by eating out. The captions really put things in perspective; for example, Americans use 15 billion disposable coffee cups a year. It also includes tips on how to reduce your waste next time you eat out!
Green Style: Earth Day Refashioned
Dressing fashionably and helping the environment? Sounds great to me! Marie Claire magazine offered up some ‘green’ clothing tips. Not only does it feature green items such as organic tee-shirts (imagine how soft!), but it brings to our attention entire fashion lines consisting entirely of green clothing. For example, Raw Bags by Beth Kelly Warner features sustainable bags made entirely out of bamboo. Fashionable and good for the environment!
Students Prompt City of Mesa to Get Rid of Plastic Bags and Go Green
Here’s a great local story as well. A group of 8th graders at Rhodes Junior High School came up with the idea to ban plastic bags in Mesa during their Project Citizen Class in their quest to make the city more “green.”