Michael Chung, Heliocol-Hybrid Solar
Michael Chung has been in the solar industry since 1980. He began with Associated Solar Systems as a door-to-door Solar Canvasser and went on to become top salesperson in 1983. (At the time, the largest & most successful Solar Contractor in Hawaii). After graduating from Maui Community College, Michael became an active member of the HSEA (Hawaii Solar Energy Association).
In 1996, he moved to Arizona to join Kelly Dancer at Green Energy Solar, Inc. He has worked as an installer, service technician, salesman and sales trainer. Now as Sales Director and Commercial Specialist, Michael is an active member of ARISEIA. Recently elected “Solar Thermal Chairman,” he volunteers his time serving the Member Contractors and as liason with ACC (Arizona Corporate Commission), SRP, APS, TEP, TRICO, SSVEC, and other local utility providers, to ensure homeowners get the quality service, products, and an enforced code of ethics that benefits all parties. Michael does “Solar Training Seminars” for municipals, utilities, HOA groups, HOA managers, US Armed Forces, community groups, home shows, trade shows, school groups, churches, civic associations and more. He currently resides in Phoenix, Ariz. and believes in solar energy as a “sustainable lifestyle.” On his personal residence, he too, has: |