Gilbert is asking for resident feedback to help shape its future. The town is in the process of updating the 2020 General Plan and has opened up the document for a 60-day public review.

The General Plan is our long-range planning document that lays out the community’s vision for the future and includes goals, policies and actions on topics like land use, transportation, employment, housing, recreation, infrastructure, public facilities, and other key issues. 

The 60-day review period ends Friday, December 6th. Residents can view the document digitally on our website at or access a physical copy at two locations in town: 

• Gilbert Municipal Building II, 90 E. Civic Center Drive, Gilbert, AZ 85296

• Perry Branch Library,1965 E Queen Creek Rd, Gilbert, AZ 85297

In addition, Gilbert will host a third in-person opportunity for residents to review the plan and share their feedback at an interactive community workshop on Thursday, October 24th from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the South Area Service Center at 4760 South Greenfield Road.  

The General Plan will be critical in helping Gilbert reach its goal of becoming the City of the Future. Don’t miss your opportunity to help shape one of the roadmaps that will get us there.