Bruxism – commonly known as teeth grinding – can do a number on anyone who suffers from it. From neck pain to tooth damage, there are many reasons why one would benefit from help with top dental devices. From retainer-like designs to holistic treatment, there are many options available in the world of dentistry today. Here are some of the most common and reportedly, most helpful devices out there today:

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NTI Splint

An NTI targets the problem at its root, instead of trying to reduce the effects of the problem. People who grind their teeth throughout the night typically have a lot of pain and, not to mention, are also damaging their teeth.

An NTI night guard stops the muscles from the act of bruxism, so that the problem is eliminated where it matters most. It also isn’t as big as some other devices, which can be good and bad. For some people, this makes it feel more comfortable while for others, it’s hard to retain it throughout the night.

Mandibular Advancement Devices

MADs are fast becoming more and more popular for people with sleep apnea. People with sleep apnea typically use CPAP machines but these devices aren’t always the most comfortable and can disrupt the individual’s sleep. While you’ll need to get fit with a dentist and adjust to wearing it at night, it can not only help you with your breathing at night, but even with tooth grinding, as well. You’ll want to make sure you get it done well as these devices can be a bit uncomfortable if they’re not made to fit in your mouth perfectly.

Tongue Retaining Devices

A TRD is a device that can also be useful for improving air flow for those with sleep apnea. It holds the tongue forward in a way that allows you to have better airflow. It also reduces snoring while helping you to avoid blockages. Some people find TRDs to be much more comfortable than MADs, so if you’ve tried all kinds of things, from MADS to CPAP machines, this could be the right device for you. A more affordable option than some other ones, you could consider the TRD if you want to be sure to manage your sleep apnea. Talk to your dentist about the best products for your particular health needs and health insurance.

A CPAP machine

At the end of the day, the tried and proven CPAP machine does work well for sleep apnea and is still commonly used. Some people may actually prefer it over night guards, etc., due to the way that night guards can feel a bit invasive if they’re not used to them. Talk to your doctor to see what kind of device is best for you. Your health insurance may cover a CPAP machine but not cover a night guard device so make sure that you weigh the pros and cons.

However, keep in mind that many professionals do consider the CPAP machine to be one of the best devices for sleep apnea.

Biofeedback devices

There are different kinds of biofeedback devices both for monitoring your sleep apnea, as well as those that are used for tracking your bruxism. Some of them are actually designed to help the patient train themselves to stop grinding. Others are created to provide insight into the patient’s sleeping pattern so that they can learn how they could be improving their overall sleep and if they need support in that area.

Photo from Pixabay.

In Conclusion

If you’re someone who has noticed you feel pain in your jaw and teeth seem to be getting damaged, you may need to talk to your dentist about helpful devices. If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, it’s paramount that you seek medical attention so that you can sleep better.