The CORE Institute, powered by Excellence Headquarters, will be collaborating with The Joint Commission and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on an initiative designed to adapt, enhance and disseminate CDC guidance related to infection prevention and control in ambulatory health care settings.
The goal of this effort, which is supported through a CDC contract, is to create model infection control plans and expand the reach, uptake and adoption of these and other infection prevention and control guidance materials to prevent infections in outpatient settings.
The project, called ADOPT (Adaptation and Dissemination Outpatient Infection PrevenTion) Guidance, is a three-year project that will focus on a variety of free-standing ambulatory settings and services.
“We are honored to be one of the organizations chosen to lead this initiative along with The Joint Commission and the CDC,” said Sarah Muller, PA-C, head of EVP Quality and Clinical Care with The CORE Institute. “We strive for excellence in every aspect of our work, and look forward to collaborating with these teams to help create the safest and healthiest environments for every patient and staff member not only at our facilities, but across the nation.”
The CORE Institute is one of 12 outpatient-focused professional organizations, and 10 ambulatory health care systems selected by the CDC and The Joint Commission to participate. Together, these experts will be providing information about the current use of infection prevention guidance materials, and will provide input into new or adapted model infection controls plans, helping to ensure applicability and ease of implementation in ambulatory care environments.
The CORE Institute is excited to be working with CDC and The Joint Commission on this important initiative to improve infection prevention and control in ambulatory settings.