GMO foods are foods that have been genetically modified. They have been injected with a foreign substance in an effort to make food more resistant to disease, insects, frost or some other purpose.

The problem is that these foods are often injected with a virus, bacteria or other carrier that alters the original food and could also alter how it reacts in the body. Some say that GMO foods can alter our DNA. Tests on animals are showing an increase in liver, pancreas and kidney diseases.

Many other countries have placed restrictions and bans on GMO foods because they have not been proven safe. In the U.S., it appears the FDA approved some of these foods based on studies that were done by the food companies that had a financial interest in the outcome.

GMO crops that have been approved for selling its yield include canola, corn, cotton, flax, papaya, russet potatoes, red-hearted chicory, soybeans, squash (yellow and zucchini), sugar beets and tomatoes. Many of these products are found in packaged foods.

In the article, “Genetically Engineered Crops,” it’s unclear just how much of some of these crops were making it into the food chain, but according to the Non-GMO Project:

“According to the USDA, in 2009, 93% of soy, 93% of cotton, and 86% of corn grown in the U.S. were GMO. It is estimated that over 90% of canola grown is GMO, and there are also commercially produced GM varieties of sugar beets, squash and Hawaiian Papaya. As a result, it is estimated that GMOs are now present in more than 80% of packaged products in the average U.S. or Canadian grocery store.”

Recently they have approved growing genetically modified alfalfa crops. Alfalfa is fed to the animals that we consume, so what could be the possible end result to the consumer?

The article “Obama Deregulates GMO Crops Despite Supreme Court Injunction” states Obama overruled the Supreme Court decision that banned growing these genetically engineered crops. One question comes to mind; Does Obama understand the risks or how concerned some Americans are about this?

The best way to affect change is to not purchase foods with genetically engineered ingredients. You can get a helpful shopping guide at Here are a couple of links explaining about GMO foods and signs that indicate that they could have a negative affect on us:

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You can find out more about Nurtured Living at There is a peak food list, conversion chart and light organ chart that contains more related information under the Raphaology Resources link.

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The information provided in this article has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to replace professional care. Specific and implied results are not guaranteed. In addition, I am not a licensed therapist, counselor or doctor, and any information in this article has come from my own experience and/or education and is meant only for educational purposes and is not intended to be used as medical advice. Your self care for your well-being is ultimately your responsibility.